Chapter 1 - Moving to Arcadia

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Emily POV:

I'm here just chilling in the car on our way to the airport to go to the place called Arcadia,my cat Lizzy is asleep in my lap and my brother just driving us to the airport,i wonder what's that place looks like, can't wait,and i kinda nervous what if all the citizens of arcadia doesn't like me?

Jiro: Something wrong Emi? *looking at me

Me: Im just scared brother,what if some of them doesn't like me? the way i look? i get it its my first time moving in the other country or places

Jiro: *sighs* look Emi stop overthinking bcs ur new to that place,i know what you feel right now,just remember *holds my hand* im always here to support you no matter how they treated you,im always here by your side Emi,trust me someone will like you *smiling at me

Me:*smiles back* thanks for everything brother

Jiro: anything for you Emi 😊

after the conversation,we arrived at the airport,we waited 2hours to announce that our flight is ready to go,we entered the airplane like its my first time to ride on it (just sorry for my grammar)

Skipped time

we already landed Arcadia,man tbh im really excited to see my cousin Jim and auntie Barbara to pick us up,when we get outside,i already saw both of them waiting for us,i smiled when jim saw me,and i immediately hug him tight

Jim: welcome to Arcadia couzz!!!

Me:*laughs* thanks couzz,how are you?? its been a while since I never saw you *we seperate our hugs

Jim:Well im great as usual couz,still the "Jimmy" you ever called of

Me:HAHAHA nice one jimmy,,hey auntiee!! *hugs her* its sooo great to see you again

Barbara: *hugs back* haha please emily,just call me barbara,and nice to see you too *seperates the hug
may i help you with that jiro?

Jiro:ahh yes Barbara here's her luggage *gives the luggage to her*

Barbara: *place my luggage to her trunk* well hop on now kids,i know you two will have a longer conversation till we get home

we hop on to the car,me and jim are always close since he was a little kid,we had so much to talk about and everything,about the gunrobot series,about the girl she loves,and his best friend toby? well can't wait to meet them until we get home

and yeah we arrived at Jim's house,we all help each other to unpack our things,me and jim handled my things to my ✌️guest room✌️ (idk if they had a guest room but i added it hehe)

Jiro: Emi,i had to go to my apartment

Me: aren't you gonna stay here?

Jiro: well i had no room to slept with,i can come visit too y'know?

Me: oh yeah i forgot hehe well keep safe bro *hugs him

Jiro: *hugs back and chuckles* hehe i will Emi *boops my nose*

Jiro walk away and enters his car to drove off

Barbara: Jim!!! you have a art class remember??
*barbara screams to him*

Jim: im still preparing mom!!! *screams back*

after his bags done

Jim: hey mom,can Emily come with me? i can introduce her to tobes

Barbara: well sure u can honey,im about to go either, don't forget what I've tol-

Jim: yeah yeah mom i get it!! *he cuts her off*

Barbara: well goodbye now emily,u can come with jim today,he can show you around here in arcadia ok? just call me whenever theirs a problem

Me: sure,thanks Barbara and keep safe

i waved at her goodbye and she drove off,now me and jim are alone then he spoke

Jim:so uh,,wanna come with me? i can introduce you to the others

Me: sure i would love that,let me just get my bag,brb!!

i get my bag upstairs and my phone,jim gives me an extra bike to ride on,and we off to go somewhere were jim told me to introduce his best friend and we bumped into someone........

to be continued⊙﹏⊙


hope u like it my darlings~ , don't mind my grammars I'm sure you would understand it

well comment if you want chapter 2
and don't forget to follow and vote me hehe

until we met again,my darlings~ 💖


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