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I nod.

"You're right" I say, before adding: "Well, enjoy that old Saint Ives, and I'll keep an eye on Leah. See ya."

I hang up, before leaving some money on the table and entering the waiting room where Frida's husband and kids had arrived in between, visibly worried sick. Setting my jaw, I advance toward them, and Anders stares at me with murderous eyes - what, is he feeling threatening by the hot and badass lesbian that works with his equally hot and badass bisexual wife? I would be too, honestly. Smirking, I just stand there, giving my visitor's badge back to the nurse in charge of Frida's room, before walking toward the three guys.

While Anders is about to say something dumb or mean as always, one of Frida's boys - can't even remember their names to be honest - points at me and says:

"Mommy's friend!"

Smirking - oh how I fucking hate kids - I tap into his hand to make him shut up, before walking by Anders.

After throwing him a belittling look, I just say:

"She's in room 4 - should wake up soon."

With that said, I leave the hospital after staying up all night. 

Once I am on the street, I can see looks on me as I walk back to my apartment, that was about 30 minutes away by foot - but I needed to eliminate my adrenaline to finally think straight. On my way there, I come across some newspapers headlines, such as: WONDER JOURNALISTIC DUO ENGEN & ROFLÖ DOES IT AGAIN - GROUNDBREAKING ARTICLE PUBLISHED AFTER EXPLOSION IN THE TIMES' HEADQUARTERS PROVOKE MEDIATISATION OF SAINT IVES' MYSTERY, or even some stuff like: STAR JOURNALIST HOSPITALISED AFTER EXPLOSION AND ATTACK - POLICE ARE LOOKING CLOSER TO LINK WITH STUDENT'S SUICIDE EXPLOSION AT THE BEGINNING OF THE WEEK. Setting my jaw, I just try to ignore them.

Only, once I reach my apartment and get out the elevator, I see two women standing by my door, their arms crossed, and visible badges: London P.D. I immediately recognise them from the information Alexia had given me - Section 17's Special Agents Danielle Van de Donk and Ana Crnogorcevic.

"Special Agents, how may I help you?" I ask, trying to remain as serious as I can.

"Ingrid Engen?" the Dutch asks, raising her eyebrows. 

"In the flesh" I confirm, smirking.

But then, the other woman - the tallest one, and visibly strongest one - approaches me quickly, before getting her handcuffs out and putting my hands behind my back.

In the meantime, the other agent recites:

"Ingrid Engen, you are under arrest for the attempted murder of Fridolina Roflö. Everything you say might and will be hold against you, ..."

I smirk: whoever that unknown number is, they've got some strings to pull - I certainly did not expect to sleep in jail tonight... 

Rolling my eyes, I just cooperate completely: I had to.



"This is a joke, right?" I exclaim, almost screaming, as my voice was so cold and annoyed that even Shelina turns around. Ignoring the people - meaning, my superior as well as my parents - around me, I just continue: "Release her. Immediately. You arrested the victim... No, I don't fucking care if there's some kind of bullshit evidence, she hasn't- No, she didn't, trust me! Go and ask Roflö if you need, but I guess she'll coo-borate... I don't care about the hierarchy, they can arrest me if they want, but release her."

THE VELVET KILLERSWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt