The New Hotel

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Charlie stood in the lobby of her hotel. Her business partner and boyfriend Alastor was on her left. Her best friend and manager Vaggie was on her right, along with her boyfriend Seviathan von Eldritch. They had been working for months on this. And now, at last, the Happy Hotel would be open Monday morning. She already had her first client coming in later that day.

Charlie beamed. All her hard work had paid off. Since childhood, she had dreamt of a better Hell. A Hell without exterminating so many demons every year. Of course, this was ridiculous. There was no possible way it could work. Everyone had told her since then that it was insane. Charlie's greatest challenge had been convincing her father Lucifer. Like everyone else, he had laughed at her and belittled her dreams. He wasn't exactly much of a father figure. Her mother Lilith, however, was more understanding and somewhat supported her from the shadows. And here Charlie was now. On her way to becoming queen and giving demons a chance for something better. A chance to exist beyond the daily misery of Hell. A chance to be free from it all. Alastor took her hand. While he didn't exactly share her enthusiasm for this whole grand master plan, it interested him greatly. It was a game to him. Thus, he had agreed to assist her. And being one of the most powerful demons in Hell, he had connections in high places and could influence others easily. Months ago when Charlie had approached him with her proposal of the hotel, he called his little friend Niffty. Within hours, she had cleaned the entire hotel, made new uniforms, and made meals for everyone. She was the perfect housekeeper.

Charlie smiled. Failure was not an option here. She had worked too hard for this. The journey was about to begin and she was ready. Everything was riding on the success of her hotel and it was time to show Hell who the next ruler would be.

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