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Sorry, it's been a while, but I'm back I reread this whole story so I refreshed my mind.  I realized the chapters are so long that reading them kinda ss more hard, so I am going to shorten them too.  It might help with getting more out quickly.  I am hoping to end this soon since it is already like 30 something chapters long which is a  lot.  Thank you all for waiting and I am sorry again.

Down they go a dark stairway to a hidden underground searching for the slayer's sister and the man behind the plan.  They don't have any idea of the paths below the front level they didn't even know of a basement.  As they walked thoughts got more concerning whether or not there was an end.  Soon enough a small light appeared in the distance.  A cracked door, a candlelight, a room.  

They closed in preparing weapons ready to battle if needed.  Tanjiro put away the blades that are weaker and pull out his main one.  He was ready to dispose of the man they all have been searching for and find his beloved sister that he (and Zenitzu) missed so much.

Every nerve said to go back, but Tanjiro and his small crew refused.  They burst the door open and reveal an open room.  The room was empty nothing was in it.  There was a desk and a few boxes, but nothing else.  No signs of life nothing hinting for anything. Tanjiro walked to the desk that was along on a wall it had nothing around it everything soloed it out.  He put his hand on it there was no dust it wasn't old.  The first drawer had nothing in it, but dust.  The second one on the other hand had a paper all folded up and in the back in it.

Dear Mr. M,

This is a different world different from what you are used to. I have a few history books and papers on nowaday needed knowledge.  I leave you a key it will open a portal to your normal realm be warned you can only transport 5 people excluding yourself with it.  After you transport 5 people it can only be used a few more times, so be careful.  They can go back to their world with it, but it will shatter.  Stay safe.

~Faithful Demon

"So, he didn't work alone someone did help get him here.  Most likely another demon under his control with a time or dimension-related power," Tanjiro said turning to his teammates.  "This room leads to another I just don't know where or how," Sir Nighteye says basically ignoring Tanjiro and the letter that was stuffed into his pocket.  "These boxes are all History books and documents about quirks and the world we live in?  This is weird," White Rose added looking at Tanjiro who just had an idea.  

Tanjiro walks to the door and closes it fully behind it a little touchpad is on the wall.  "Found something," Tanjiro says signaling the others to check it out.  "A keypad it needs 4 numbers... birthday??" White Rose asks looking at Tanjiro.  "We don't know it... maybe 1922," Tanjiro said putting it in.  The lights turned red on the keypad and a small click was made right before a weird churning noise.  They looked behind them and part of a wall opened.  "Good job kid," White Rose says taking the lead going into this new room.  The room was dark, but they could hear moving.  

Lights turned on once the wall sealed back up again. There they were. Muzan and Nezuko locked up in a soundproof room.  "Well, I didn't expect this, but welcome in.  I was just paying your sister a visit, but I guess a family reunion will suffice too," Muzangreeted with a smile that was not the nicest.  "Leave my sister alone.  Don't touch her.  I didn't come for a visit," Tanjiro says breaking up his words


"Very much so"

"What the fuck is going on here?" White Rose said rather loudly breaking the silence. "This is who we are meant to be fighting. Did you forget?" Tanjiro asked with concern.  "No, but why is nobody moving if we are meant to fight?  Did you just forget how to fight?" the hero replied annoyed with the sit still action. 

"Well let's cut a deal shall we Tanjiro?" Hee Hee asked ignoring the previous conversation.  "What is it?" Tanjiro replied at least hearing him out.  "Well, the blood here isn't good like the slayer's blood.  Give me some blood to live off of and I will give you your sister and a hint to get back home.  You can't beat me alone anyways, so choose your route," Muzan says leaving a few choices.  "Give us Nezuko first then you get the blood after I'll get the hint and we will be on our way deal?" ... "fair enough deal"

It's literally fucking 1 in the morning, but yeah I'm good lmao.

Demon Slayer x Bnha CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now