"You're a drug Y/N," Aaron groans, "I couldn't stay away from you any longer."

You leaned your head against the window to allow access to your neck. He sucked lightly on the skin on your collarbone. Fog smothered the window from your heavy breaths despite you not being fully pressed against it.  Your head was filled with so many thoughts that the sorting process didn't exist anymore. Deep down you came to the realization that this couldn't advance anymore, it was wrong on so many levels.

Not long ago, you could say that you've only kissed one person. It felt weird- disgusting even to feel guilty for kissing someone other than Axel. He didn't have a hold over you now but it would always feel like that now that you know he is watching. Another part felt like you were cheating on him. You hate his guts and yet he continues to take from you.  You closed your eyes tightly- trying to shake away those thoughts.

"Stop-" you whispered, "Stop, stop, please."

Hotch immediately backed away, breathing heavily and hair disrupted. You crossed your arms over yourself and ran a hand through your hand. Residues from him were left on your lips. Reluctantly, you moved a hand and ran a finger over your bottom lip.  "Are you okay? Did I hurt you?"

You shook your head and sighed. "No, um- you didn't hurt me I just d-don't think we should be doing this right now." You refused to look into his eyes.

"Y/N look at me," Hotch says softly. When you refuse, he hooks two fingers under your chin and forces you to look in his eyes. You didn't know how to explain the hold Axel still had on you. "We don't have to do anything, okay? I was out of line."

"N-no I want this- I just don't think I can comprehend it. I was with Axel for so long and he was my only person, I can't understand what's happening now. I don't feel like myself Aaron."

He cups your cheeks in his hands with a sincere look in his eyes. "You don't have to be sure of anything right now. You're tired, get some rest and we will visit the estate tomorrow, yes?"

You nodded in agreement and quickly changed in the bathroom before sleeping soundly in clean sheets.

• • •

"Are you ready?" Hotch asks.

You stare at the large estate called JM Manor. It was an absurd name that Lesly came up with and insisted was kept in place after his death. Technically, you could easily change it, but seeing as this was the main home for the Jacobs family made you keep it in place as a sense of normalcy. Axel was nearly crushed after his fathers death and you wanted to do something humane that he wouldn't know the extent of.

Truthfully, it was never clear what Axel wanted out of his fathers death. Sure he wanted money, however there was always something more that you began to conclude as closure. The home itself was in upper Manhattan and had large white pillars garnishing the front entrance. Several expensive cars lined the lavish driveway but were all really abandoned and dusty.

"As ready as I'll ever be," you breathed, "Might as well get this over with. I just need answers so let's just get them and get out."

Anxiety rises as you become hyper aware that Axel could be watching. When you woke up this morning, everything seemed more real than it did when you were sleep deprived and lust driven. He is out for you and he doesn't take no for an answer.

Aaron followed you up the driveway all the way to the door. Security used to be extremely tight here. After Lesly passed and Axel moved out of the manor, it slowly loosened with only a few guards patrolling the car garage and gun room.

"Thumb print?"

You nodded and placed your finger in the thumb reader by the door. Afterwards, you bend down to facial recognition to scan your face with a green laser. "Lesly was a conspiracy theorist, thought the government was tracking him through vaccinations."

𝘉𝘓𝘐𝘕𝘋𝘚𝘐𝘋𝘌𝘋 | 𝘈.𝘏. ✔️जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें