• 𝐒𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐈𝐧, 𝐒𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐃𝐨𝐰𝐧 •

Start from the beginning

Which was why he was having this very conversation right now.

Fatima was stood by her locker, messing with her text books when some guy approached her, Riley didn't know him, other than he was some tall skinny lightskin with a dumb goatee. This dude, like many others was clearly trying to flirt, so he made sure to walk up behind her, put an arm around her shoulders and let him know she was taken.

The other teen smirked, "word? C'mon, ain't no way this lil' shrimp yo nigga fo'real"

"Yeah I am, and don't call me no shrimp nigga 'cause you look like you weigh 20 pounds at most"

"Riley," she said softly, putting a hand onto his, "let's not do this now, it's only been a few weeks, can we please go a semester without you getting into serious trouble?"

Hearing this, the other boy snickered, "ain't no way, you don't need this whack ass ni-"

"I'm not interested, come on Riley" Fatima then got what she needed and continued walking down the hall, Riley shooting one last dirty look at the tall lightskin before walking closely behind. This wasn't an isolated incident, the amount of times dudes had tried their luck with Fatima was insane, but she never even came close to folding, despite being just as annoyed with it as Riley was.

"I just can't believe them niggas won't back up!" Riley grunted, not only was it disrespectful to him when they blatantly tried to flirt with his girl despite her taken status, but it was disrespectful to her. Fatima was clearly not interested, but they kept trying it, he was starting to wonder if any of them were genuinely into her or if they were just trying to rile him up.

"Yeah, but you know how teenage boys can get, try not to-"

"Oh Reeeeezyyyyyyy!"

"... let it get to you"

Now, it was Fatima's turn to show annoyance.

Approaching the young couple was a girl, with recognizable long brown hair, hazel eyes, soft freckles dotted over face, donning a denim crop top and skirt with a pair of black boots, she made sure to flip her hair before reaching the duo.

"Rachel, hi" Fatima just barely managed to say.

Ever since their second year of middle school, when Riley and Rachel worked on that stupid art project, the two and been... friends? No, the word she was looking for wasn't friends, they were more like... people that talked when they had no one else to talk to? No, even that didn't fully describe it. Fatima couldn't describe their relationship, but it was definitely closer than bitter enemies, something she didn't like.

"Reeeezy, I'm here to snitch!"

"Course you are" he scoffed, "what did you hear?"

Rachel put a hand to her cheek, "hm, what did I want to tell you - oh yeah! Michael said he was gonna fuck Fatima, so watch out!"

Fatima grimaced, of course Michael Andrews would say that - he was known for his crude and creepy way of speaking about women - it made her cringe, "gosh, why can't you boys talk about a girl without being overly perverted about it - Riley stop!"

Fatima then found herself, as well as Rachel, rushing behind a speeding Riley, who was rushing down the hall as quickly as his legs could take him.

"Ain't no nigga finna talk crazy 'bout my girl!"

"Riley please chill-"


Luckily, Fatima soon caught up and just barely calmed him down. She found it sweet, how protective of her he was, but she didn't want him getting into trouble over her, "look Riley, I know it sucks, but you're just gonna have to deal with it, you can't be out here fighting everyone that annoys you..."

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