late night cooking

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It was around 10PM, Nate was sleeping at Josh's house. Mr Clarkson was in bed and the boy wheres still downstairs playing video games.

Josh had started to get a bit hungry.

"Hey, wanna make some food?" josh asked nate.

"Sure" nate answered back.

They got up from there game and went into the kitchen. Josh started grabbing ingredients and nate grabbed bowls and other equipment.

They decided to make pizza. They added all the ingredients and mixed until it was dough. Then once they put flour on the counter that was then end of it.

Nate accidently got some flour on josh and then started laughing. Josh then grabbed a small hand-full and then sprinkled it over him. This turned into a full on flour fight.

By the end of it there was flour all over the kitchen and all over them. But atleast they finally got the pizza in the oven.

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