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Have u ever been afraid of the dark, spiders, monsters under the bed? Have u ever been afraid to live? She was... The nameless girl... There she lied in her bathtub, she had a dagger to her throat.

"finally I'll end all my suffering!"

She cut it open, the blood oozed out.

"is this what it feels like to be dead?"

She stood up. No, it wasn't. She was still alive.

"why am I cursed!"

She took the dagger and threw it at the bathroom door, it stuck in

Later that same day the girl stood on the roof of a high rise building. She slowly approached the edge.

"I hate you!"

She jumped off, her sad life flashed before her eyes and then bang... She hit the ground, but only to get up seconds later.

"wish I could die!"

She jumped infront of a passing car. It hit her and she flew across the road. She once again stood up.

The girl was covered in blood

"that's it! Afraid no more! Someone come and kill me now!" people stared at this girl "kill me before I kill you."

Many people died that day, she wasn't one of them

She was un-killable, list every way to kill yourself and I bet she'd tried it. Covered in scars always soaked in blood.

"I'm afraid to live a day longer! Am I human?! God help me!"

She thought she was ready to die at the age of 13. She had no friends and had been bullied all her life. She was sexually abused by her mother and farther, who both were drunks and druggies. That was until one day they died in a train wreck. She was never named by her parents, they didn't care to. She never thought on the lighter side because she didn't think there was one. She was constantly out to kill herself. And do u wonder why god saved her? Because he saw something in her that no one else did. He knew she had a great gift inside her, she had to be saved. She would help the world in the future, but no one could see that in her.

If God wants to kill someone nobody can save them... But if God wants to save someone, nobody can kill them.

Put an end to suicide, don't bully. Help a friend in need

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2013 ⏰

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