next day

22 1 0

Posie wakes up and max is on his phone (most of it is going to be in sign ps means posie sign ms Max sign zs zoe sign hs harvey sign ss Sara sign pus Paul sign ls leo sign ts Tilly sign)
Posie signs: morning babe
Max signs: morning you still not feeling like talking baby
Posie signs: no
Ms: ok should we go down stairs I sort out the website so you don't need to
Ps: thanks babe and yes do you want to go out for breakfast we could see if harvey and zoe Wang to come
Ms: yeah
Down stairs
Max: Harvey posie is still signing but do you and zoe want to come out for breakfast with us then we are going to mums to put the decorations up
Harvey: yeah is posie alright
Max: yeah I think still a bit overwhelmed due to last night
Zoe: you two ok
Max: yeah just to let u know posie is still signing amd we are going for breakfast then to mums
Zoe: ok
Out for breakfast
Ps: max can I have bacon and eggs please
Ms: yes
At mums
Max: hi mum just to let you know posie is signing today as had sensory over load last night and is still signing
Sara: ok thanks for letting me know do tills dad and Leo know
Max: yeah Harvey has told them
Ss: hi posie
Ps: hi
Pus: everyone ready
Ss: yes but everyone needs there santa hats on
Harvey: ok mum
Sara: picture time
Max: really rolls his eyes
Paul: yes
Harvey: send it to me
Maxandharvey today we helped mum put the decorations up at there's now we are home and about to put ares up and live stream it for you
On the live
Max: ok just to let you all know posie is signing today please dotn be unkind as you will be blocked
Ps: I love you babe
Ms: I love you more
Hs: young love so sweet
Ms: your so annoyed f u
Zs: calm down both of you let's hope people didn't see the past bit of that Max
Ms: oh yeah
Fans: bad Max
Max: Sorry
Ps: max I want a cuddle I am painicing
Ms: let's go into the rook quick we will be back in 5
In the room
Ms: what's up
Ps: I can't get the lights how i Want them
Ms: it's ok don't worry
Ps: bear cuddles please
Ms: come here
Max: baby it's ok don't cry we can get through this you are amazing
Ps: thanks moo I love you
Ms: are you ready to go back out there you can just watch if you want and sign where you want things or you can cuddle into me and help
Ps: I will cuddle into you and help
Back helping
Hs: everything OK
Ms: yeah just a bit of a wobble but all good
Later on
Ps: finally
Ms: it looks amazing

(Thanks for reading this chapter
Word count 506)

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