"Ivan the terrible." Ivan looked impressed.

"Napoleon Bonaparte." Napoleon seemed impressed.

"Young Al Capone." Al seemed unimpressed at this statement.

"And Aurora Ophelia." He turned back to me, and I smiled. And flicked my hair from face. "Some of the most feared leaders in all of history.Gentlemen,really, it's just fantastic
to meet you all." We all nod and say thank yous. "All I ask is your allegiance, and in return, I offer you the world. Literally. Are there any questions?" He asks. "Yeah, I got one.How come you're wearing a dress?" I almost laugh but I only just grinned. So I don't die. "This is not a dress. This is a tunic.It was the height of fashion 3,000 years ago, I assure you.Are there any other questions?" He argues now growing impatient. "Da, we all have an army. But what about her?" Ivan points at me. So, I stepped up and began to say in my charm. "I have a power from Peruvian goddess and god called 'pachamama' and 'Viracocha'. They both are life and destruction. They made a stone together with the help of a lion and lioness." I heard some people laughing behind napoleon and al. They all turned there back only for them to stop. "It's real you know. My father studied about it before he hunged himself ..." I whispered the last bit. "Okay any other questions?" He questioned. I looked at everyone but no one wanted to talk. "Good, All right, then. Moonlight is wasting, and the time is short." Napoleon got angered and got ready to get out his sword. "Short?
Why do you look at me when you say "short"?"

"Sorry. It slipped out." Kah surely said. Ivan came up and stated, " Da, If we are talking about world domination, then of course, I am interested." I look at him confused about what he's about to say. "But first I want to clarify something so you know what you are getting. People always say,lvan the Terrible, he's so terrible.I'm so scared of lvan. He's bad news. When in fact the correct translation is
lvan the Awesome". At that moment I couldn't hold it in. I bursted into laughter, joyful tears falling down my cheek. As I wiped them away. "Seriously? Ivan the awesome?" I quizzed, getting glances from all of them. But noting that their laughing inside too except from Ivan of course. "I was quite an effective leader." Capone gives him a 'idiotic' side glance, "Duly noted. Now, I'd like to wrap up
the old meet-and-greet by asking you gentlemen a question. Are you with me?" Everyone nods and says yeah in every different way. "Then bring Larry Daley of Daley Devices and the Golden Tablet of Ahkmenrah to me!" He barked.

He sent me and Napoleon away to find them, of course I was sent with Napoleon Bonaparte the one who tried to take over all of Europe. "Alors mademoiselle," I 'hum' in response. Knowing what he just said as I did language in university. "From my perspective, you look like a kind and beautiful person." I smiled a bit and started to speed walking aswell as he, "Pourquoi merci, gentil monsieur, indeed I am." He must of been impressed, because he stumbled a bit. "You know french?" He questioned, I nodded through the halls of art. "c'était magnifique" I smiled more then I ever had. We heard some soldiers yelling in french so we ran to where they were. When I mean ran, Napoleon speed walked. We reached Larry Daley and. Amelia Earhart, my idol. I felt excited really badly. But kept it to myself, hardly. I got my dagger out and pointed it to Amelia. "And so, the little tiny man who could not be a smaller or shorter mouse runs into the claws of the giant cat!" He purred, which was the funniest thing I've seen for awhile. "You're really hung up on the height, aren't you?" Larry answered. "No, it's not about height, see..." Napoleon says, "Yes, you are.You're saying I'm a little mouse, you're a giant cat." "I am the giant cat." He hissed. I rolled my eyes, knowing this is a argument over thin air!

"Idiots" I whispered to Amelia, she laughed "No offense, I just...You're Napoleon. There's a complex named after you. You're famous for being little,
and it's true. Look." He says, I grinned knowing this is gonna be funny. "Oh, you naive American man-boy." Napoleon muttered, sarcastically. "Look. Neither of us are gonna be jamming anytime soon, right?" Larry says, "So it's not like we should...
It's not even an issue." He adds. "It's not about height or something else. It's a plan. It's a brilliant plan." Napoleon exaggerates.

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