Prologue - Seizing The Ring

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As the morning sun crept through my window, my consciousness finally started to rouse. I slowly got up and out of bed, heading to the living room only to see that Kazushi, my brother, never came home last night. Hopefully he'll be free from work tonight and I won't be alone again. Although I guess if he can't get home today, I can see if I can come over to Sumire's for dinner.

"Oh crap, that's right. I almost forgot my promise to Sumire " I said, turning back towards my room to get dressed for the day. When I was texting with her the other day I told her I'd help her clean up the shrine today, and at this rate it looks like I won't be there when I said I would.

As I got dressed for the day, I remembered the silver shooting star that fell through the sky last night. It seemed to shoot through the sky pretty low to the ground, I wonder if maybe it was actually a meteor or something. But then again, it probably would be in the news if it was.

"Oh whatever." I muttered to myself as I left the house to head over to the shrine. I'm probably gonna be late if I don't move quickly, so I should probably cut through the park, and if I cut through the more wooded area, I can get there even quicker.

I ran for the park, heading along the main path before taking a turn for the more wooded section, the shaded and overgrown area I passed through being nice and cool.

As I walked through there however, I saw a glimmer of metal, reflecting the light seeping through the canopy of branches. I walked over to see what it was, to find what seemed like a robotic finger of something that had been crushed at the base, wires seemingly hanging out of it, and on the finger was a silver ring, the outer section of the ring seemingly rough and unpolished with the exception of a flat rectangular face with a strange symbol engraved into it. The ring seems awfully big, seemingly too big for anybody I've ever seen before, but still, I imagine that somebody dropped these and could be looking for them. I picked the ring up and put it in my pocket, figuring I should probably drop it off at a police box or something so that whoever lost it can find it. Still, I couldn't help but notice the ring seems weirdly warm to the touch. I wasn't expecting it to be warm considering it was on a metal finger, but this warmth seems like it's even warmer than if somebody had been wearing it recently.

With a shrug, telling myself I'd deal with it later, I returned to walking to the shrine where Sumire was waiting for me. When I got there, I saw Sumire in a shrine priestess outfit sweeping. As I stepped up the last step and passed through the torii gate, she noticed me and said "I was wondering when you were going to get here, Naoki."

"Sorry, got a little sidetracked along the way." I said, shrugging and making sure to avoid mentioning that I overslept.

I first met Sumire back when my parents tried to get me into show business as a kid. While I was there, I ended up trying to talk to one of the other kids there, a girl my age named Sumire. We ended up getting along and since she didn't live as far away as I had thought, my parents would occasionally take me to go play with her. I wasn't in show business for too long, my parents gave up on using me for that before too long, so I don't really have any particular interest in getting back into it, but Sumire has wanted to get back into it for a long time now and because of it doesn't really do extracurricular activities, instead trying to improve her skills at entertaining an audience.

"And what is it that sidetracked you?" Sumire asked

"Somebody dropped this really odd ring so I was taking it to a police box." I said, trying to not lie to her completely. I mean I do plan to take it to a police box, the only thing I'm lying about is when I'm gonna do it

"Alright, fair enough." Sumire said

"So what do you need me to do?" I asked

"First off, there's some stuff we need to have pulled out of storage, could you take care of that?"

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