spiderman fusion

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Transmigrating into your own written story is horrible, but transmigrating into a story of “proud immortal demons way— fanfiction”  is on the whole other level of worst.

Especially when you are just a side character whose back or front story doesn’t matter.

The matter is that he is just the bestie that dies to give the hero to cry two tears at and villain to smash at accidentally. Not even intentionally !!! And the worst part is not those two things either. The worst part is that ,the villain is your fav character who doesn’t even know you existed.

The story goes something like this. Lou binge as our protagonist —of course he is made for it— as “Spiderman” , sumb villain Shen jiu as “The lizard” —the best part— he has a twin —good bro— Shen yuan —don’t let that “good" fool you (after cucumber bro transmigrated as him) he is as good in tongue trashing as his brother just way less hursh then his brother though it could get worst(never mind how he knows that)— and you thought “proud immortal demons way"— was trash with plot binding? This fic is trash with world building.!!!!!

Like how the hell everyone is mix between Chinese and American culture and whole of this place jumbled mess on a good day. The bad day? You did have to consider nothing seeing as the culture doesn’t make sense hence Shang Qinghua has long since stop minding how sometimes he sees too much Chinese character in an American establishment while trying to remember English characters to recognize the rest. 

Sometimes the American culture is so prominent he forgets this world is a badly written fanfiction of his  badly written novel.  God what Karma he committed to end up like this.

Fuck it! Shang Qinghua could say lots on his circumstances in this new world but for now he is late again for college.

Working over time is out to be a no-no for students , his boss on the other hand don’t agree and made him stay until 1 O’clock yesterday.

This is crime against labor rights!!

“Shang Qinghua!” a voice crash landed on his inner wailing about frictional forces.
“Luo binghe ?” his brain going down the rabbit hole of possibilities as to, why is he getting his best friend attention without bribery.
“Hey are you listening?” apparently the other was talking when shang Qinghua decided to zone out.

“Yeah" he said, settled out of his thoughts looking up at his best friend/protagonist. His creation on some level.

Honestly he wasn’t up to debate on the copyright infringement in fanfiction, cuz without it how can it be called a fanfiction? And even he got to admit fanfiction Are too awesome to let go. On some level he is even happy it’s a morden day fic or his back and body would be in danger for unwanted pain from surfaces that should be comfortable. Cultivation be dame he prefer all his pillows, bedding mattress and comforter with his body pillow of “Sasuke” because he might be a character here too , but he reminds him of Mobie-Jun’s body pillow he had before he died and came here —what’s with blues color clothes and all that dark blue ink colored hair change he gets sometimes to make him look good.—  and well Shang Qinghua is only human.

“Are you up for the study group after school?” Lou binghe asked snapping him out of his thoughts. They were standing in hallways almost empty as the classes are going to start soon.

“Since when do we study in groups?” We hardly study together much less in groups!!! Luo binghe always left him alone with the study’s to do his own work. He hardly spares him time unless we are talking about food where Shang Qinghua had to pay or the usual hanging out were Lou binghe gets to boss him around —Qinghua swore if the food wasn’t heaven they wouldn’t even be friends. All the childhood spend as neighbors be dame— speaking of which.

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