Confessions and a broken heart

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Percy sleeping on his bed was awoken abruptly by a figure standing over him, like a lion before it eats its prey.
"Hi" The voice spoke sternly towards him but when he heard the voice he didn't need a name to know who it was, it was Annabeth Chase, his girlfriend.
"Hey book worm, what's up?
"What's up is that you're a total jerk!"
"W-what? What on earth are you talking about?"
"Don't act like you don't know! You and Thalia smooching it up in the dining hall!"
"I didn't kiss her, she kissed-"
"Did you stop her? Did you at least try to make that not happen?"
Percy sat there shocked and guilty that he didn't stop Thailia. He felt like he betrayed Annabeth's trust.
"I-I'm sorry.."
"That isn't gonna make up for what you did! If that's what you want then I don't think we should talk anymore!"
Annabeth leaves in a huff, stomping on the wood planks of the almost empty cabin. As soon as she leaves Thalia steps out of the shadow behind my fathers trident.
"Hey" Percy says sadly
"Gotta say, you being dumped is a first sight for me!"
"Why'd you do it?"
"... because I've loved you for a long time and I didn't see any other way to show you that"
"How long has this feeling been there?"
"The moment I say you pull me out of the bottom of that tree" she says with a cute smile on her face.
"I've always thought you were cute too but I didn't have the guts to say it" Percy's face turning red.
"I love you Per-" he stops her with a kiss onto the lips.
"I know" he says smiling and looking deep into her blue eyes.

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