The Detatchemnt Method

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Step 1: Subliminal/ Beginning detachment

First off you want to just play a subliminal or two just to get you in the right headspace, personally I like to meditate in between 5-10 minutes before but you can edit this time to your liking. Some people at beginners who only meditate for 2-4 minutes but that's up to you, you can do 0 meditation at all.

Step 2: The Zone
Next you wanna do the zone.The zone is zoning out and basically getting your body a little out of your CR before shifting, lay down in any position you like anywhere you like and take a few deep breaths, count to 10. Play a detachment subliminal or shifting subliminal and just count. In between each number say an affirmation. I used I am affirmations so I recommend those. You can lay for a few minutes or just go back up and do whatever you want.

Step 3: Shifting preparation
I recommend setting a time for when you know you will be uninterrupted or when you usually go to bed. I usually sleep at 9:30 so that's when I shifted and when I'm shifting tonight. On a notebook piece of paper or whatever you are going to write the topic,shifting, down 3 times. Then 6 times an affirmation (I choose shifting is easy to keep it simple). Then an event in the past tense like a diary. You could be short and simple like I did and just write "I shifted" or write where you were and who you were with. Then you are gonna make your reality feel unfamiliar. You can lay upside down, do the zone again, lay upside down while listening to a subliminal, whatever makes you feel unfamiliar do it. What I did was stare into the mirror and say "this is the last time I will see you for however long I am already in my desired reality". I also used laying upside down.

Step 4: Shifting!
This is the easiest part, after writing down that stuff meditating if you choose using the zone etcetera you just lay down on your bed near the pillow or on the pillow or hell, sleep in the opposite direction and wake up in your DR. I used a subliminal but if you don't like that that's cool. Set an intention just by saying "hey universe make me shift I know you're on my side" or "I give my body the permission to shift".

good luck happy shifting!

Trick yourself into believing that you're already in your desired reality or (in my case) that you been shifted (which I did lol) and make yourself feel more confident.

Don't treat shifting like a big deal, treat like an everyday thing like turning on tv texting your friend or just going on TikTok. If you treat it like an everyday thing mentally it becomes easier 👏trust me👏.

Surround yourself with DR, listen to POV playlists draw you or characters from your DR. Write memories for your DR like your favorite comfort character getting you a toy for your birthday.

Listen to a subliminal or multiple throughout the day. I know I said this is a choice but even if you have a short attention span and can't sit thru them do it. It really helps.

Realize that the universe is on your side, yelling at the universe can help but don't say "the universe hates me" or "the universe won't let me shift." Don't worry you will.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2021 ⏰

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