At school❤😜

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Ruby was sooo scared of having real social interactions. Being in a school this big was exciting and yet horrifying. She got pushed and shoved by so many other students it was like the Travis concert. She even witnessed a break-up on her first day. It was with a Super Mario obsessed bastard and... A furry. "This is so crazy, dude..." She muttered.

On the second day, it was even worse. Ruby went up to two dumb bitches just outside the school. " you know where maths class is?-"
"Uuh, yes. Follow us!" The lgbt hangout motherfucker said and walked outside as a blonde girl followed. "O-o-o-o-ok guys!" Ruby ran along with them.

" Just who are you then? "
"Same question?"

The blondie sighed and smirked. "I'm Flower and this is Berly."  They said. " Oh, cool! I'm Ruby Rubes! " She exclaimed. "You're new, right? You would want to see your peers, right?" Berly dragged Ruby to the cafeteria aswell as Flower. " I'll show you the world as I see it. "

"Ok, so, on that table is, uh, Guest. He's one of the mathletes. Do NOT go near him." Flower said with a serious tone and pointed to another table. "That's the roleplayers. They're so bad at like everything. Ever."
" But the one with ears and a green hat looks coo-"
" Sorry... "

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⏰ Letzte Aktualisierung: Nov 27, 2021 ⏰

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