Chapter 25: The Past? No! Paintball

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I stand up immediately. Mostly out of fear but also anger. Everyone notices and looks up at me. I stare at Ezekiel as he would get closer and closer until he was only just a few feet away from me.

"Wow. I actually never thought you'd do it Y/N." He starts, almost putting his armscrossed.

"Why are you here?" I walk up to him closer trying to be quiet, so I wouldn't cause a scene.

"Why do you think?"

"To ruin my life again? Especially when I'm the happiest I could be? Go away."

"I'm not going anywhere." He says grasping ahold of my arm tightly. I could hear Aidan walk up from behind me after.

"Hey man. I don't know who you are but she clearly wants you gone, alright?" Aidan confirms standing up for me.

"Step back "Aidan." I don't know what you think you are, but her and I have stuff to talk about." Ezekiel strikes back rudely.

"Hey it's okay. Let me take care of this. You guys just enjoy your time please." I turn around reassuring Aidan.

"No. I'm involved now, and I wouldn't enjoy this as much if you weren't here."

"No Aidan. Please. Let me just talk to him alone."

The way I replied it seemed like I was trying to hide something, and I was. I didn't want Aidan or any of them to know who this guy in front of us was. Marie is the only one who actually is aware of his existence, and she knows he's not a good person either. Everyone has their own past and secrets. I just didn't want people to know mine.

Plus I'm having a good time. I don't need him to ruin it.

"Alright.." He whispers and walks away back to the fountain. Everyone still looking.

I push Ezekiel to the side. Farther away from the fountain so they wouldn't hear us.

"Explain yourself. I'll give you three minutes." I demand crossing my arms.

"I'm sorry. For everything I put you through. I mean hell you came all the way to LA because of it-"

"Don't you dare say that! I came to LA for myself! For my dreams! Not because of you. You don't deserve my pity and sympathy. I don't need your apology. Leave. We're done here."

"My three minutes isn't up. I still have time to talk."

"That's too bad. I'm not interested in what you have to say."

"Don't you wanna know why I came all this way here? You can't just send me away."

"I don't care anymore just go-"

"My mother is dead Y/N." He interrupts almost raising his voice in an upsetting, sad manner.

I pause for a second and keep my breathe to myself. His mother? No matter how awful Ezekiel was. When him and I were close friends. His mother was like a true mom to me. Especially after mine died. I never got to say a good goodbye.

Make This Dream || Aidan Gallagher FFOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora