🌷♥𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 ♥ 4🌷♥

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Sabito POV

Just as I heard the faint knock on the door I remembered that Giyu was supposed to com over today.  I had to tell Makomo because Giyu doesn't know her yet and plus I wasn't prepared to tell him anything about Makomo.

"Makomo my friend Giyu is here, and I haven't told him that you are coming so if can go to my room for a while until he goes it will be grate" I said panicked a bit.

"oh ok Sabito don't worry"  Makomo said looking all confused.

Makomo went to my room and I opened the door as I expected it was Giyu, I tried my best not to look nervous so Giyu wouldn't get concerned

"Hi Sabito.." Giyu greeted.

"oh Hi Giyu how have you been com in" I tried my best not to sound nervous, but I'm pretty sure I did.

"oh yes thanks " Giyu said looking at me with a suspicious look.

"So how have you been after leaving your parents house?" Giyu asked.

"I've been well"  I said looking down.

"I see that you finally cleaned your cut" Giyu said looking at the cut on my check.

"yes, I did" I replied.

"Is something wrong Sabito you look pale and out of character today?" Giyu questioned which got me to get even paler.

"No.. there is nothing wrong" I said mumbling.

"alright then if you have nothing else to say I'm leaving" Giyu said standing up.

After Giyu left I called Makomo out and finishied the night watching movies.

Time skip, to the next day.

Sabito POV

Me and Makomo woke up the next morning she got changed and so did I. I told Makomo to go to school before me. Surprisingly she agreed and went out.
I looked at myself in the mirror I looked specifically at the cut.

"Why" I thought.

I then quickly put on my plaster and took my bag and walked out.

At school

I saw that Makomo had arrived and it seems like her friends are with her so I did not bother and went to class. Their were some people in the class, I was sitting at my usual seat remembering yesterday I felt my heart race when I remembered how I gave Makomo a peek on the check. Being honest it was one of the best felling's ever   I suddenly looked up to see a guy looking at me with a confused yet funny look, I gave him a stare.

"The hell  you looking at" I said with a mad look.

"nothing but are you ok your face is red?" The guy said with a small giggle.

"ugh yes I'm fine now leave" I said embarrassed.

Did I just blush remembering what happened yesterday what the hell.

Makomo POV

I was still a bit shocked from yesterday knowing about Sabito's cut, and him giving be a peek on my check though it felt good. At lunch I was sitting alone and it seems like Sabito wasn't there until someone came up to my table.

"Hey are you Makomo by any chance" The guy said.

That guy is very known around girls so I was pretty nervous when I saw him because I've heard that he dated a lot of girls and then broke up with them. And he was also known for being a trouble some

"umm yes how can I help" I asked starting to shiver a bit.

"Nothing but want to come out with me after school"  The guy said smiriking.

I suddenly felt a hand grip into mine I looked up to see who it was it was Sabito!!

"Huh I see a piece of shit talking to my girlfriend" Sabito said in an annoyed tone.

I froze "girl..friend" I thought.

"huh girlfriend?? prove it" The guy said putting his head up. 

I suddenly saw Sabito face inches away from mine I turned red. Sabito looked at me and gave me a warm smile and them closed the gap we quickly parted but it felt good I can see that Sabito is also blushing a bit. But luckily the guy walked of annoyed.

"I'm sorry to make fell uncomfortable Makomo"  Sabito said rubbing the back of his neck.

"oh no it is fine you don't need to worry" I said trying to convince Sabito that it wasn't his fault

Time Skip when I went back home
"Still Makomo POV."

"Hi mom hi dad, I'm back" I said not ready for their questions.

"Oh hi dear welcome back, how was your sleepover with your 'Friend' " My mother and father asked.

"Oh it was really good, now how about you how are you?" I asked hoping they will let me go to my room.

"Oh we have been well, Dinner is almost ready so change and come down to eat" My mother said.

"All right mother" I said with a polite tone.

Sabito POV

After I came back to my apartment I was jumping everywhere I felt this weird felling in my stomach again and then stopped.

"What was I thinking when I did this actions toward Makomo?" I thought   

"She probaly hates me now" I said then through myself on my bed.

That night I kept on thinking of what I did today I kept on having this felling of bubbles in my stomach, I really wonder how she fells about me right now even though she did not seem mad neither she seemed happy so I was stuck on the middle. I also was thinking of telling Giyu but I was nervous  that he may scold me for doing such an action. I decided to risk it and texted Giyu.

"HIIII Giyu can you come over I have something important to tell you" I texted hoping he will answer.

7 minutes later

"Oh hi Sabito did not see your message but ok if you promise me it is something important" Giyu replied.

"Yes I promise now please com" I said desperate.

When Giyu  and Shinobu arived.

"So what up?" Giyu asked.

"So listen I have a friend in school called Makomo we weren't close friend before but yesterday she came over and we watched a movie and I.... I gave her a quick peek on the cheek"

"and" Shinobu said confused and wanting for me to continue. 

"And today I..... umm I kissed her quickly on the lip today" I said mumbling with embracement.

"What the hell!!!" Giyu and Shinobu said with a annoyed yet confused tone.

"Was she mad?" Shinobu asked with a carious tone.

"Well she wasn't mad but I don't know if she was happy" I said looking down.

"if she wasn't mad then I don't think you should worry" Giyu said giggling at my situation.

After Giyu and Shinobu left.

I was sitting in my room thinking about what happened today then I looked at myself in the mirror. 
"She would never love someone like me" I thought 

My cut opened again it was bleeding when I looked at it tears gathered in my eyes.


"Sabito!!" My father screamed.

To be continued.

❈✶  🍭  𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝒲𝒾𝓈𝒽𝓁𝒾𝓈𝓉  🍭 ✶❈Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя