Part 2

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I am in the living room with the girls Lauren is pretty open with me she got comfortable quick but the rest of them are still scared and nervous. I don't blame them if I was abused like that I'd trust nobody. As we are watching a movie I see a black van pull up in from of my house out the window. The girls look and a man walks out they immediately start crying. "Please don't let him see us he's the one that hurt us please" Lauren says crying I hug her quickly. "Go in my bathroom I'll let you know when they are gone ok?" I say and they run quickly. I hear a knock at my door and my heart beats quickly of mostly anger. I open the door he looks dirty and mad. "Have you seen five girls anywhere they got out and they don't know the area very well they could easily get lost." He explained and I chuckle. "What's funny?" He asks and I chuckle again. "Yes I have seen them they are here..." I say and he smiles. "Give them back!" He says angrily I hear a yell from my room and he tries getting in. He runs to the noise and opens the door the girls are huddled in the corner he goes to hit Camila but I grab him and throw him on the ground I punch him repeatedly and kick him he bleeds every where. "You think it's fun beating young women?" I ask and and groans in pain. "How about I chain you up in a fucking cage!?" I say and he tries pushing me off but I punch him one more time knocking him out. "How about revenge?" I say to the girls. I get out an old dog cage I had it for my old dog until he passed away. I go out to his van quickly opening it and find a taser, gun, whip, rope, and chain. This sight makes me pissed. I run inside and go to my room grabbing the man and I set up the cage then wrap his hands and feet in chains putting a lock on it. I put him in the cage like Lauren said he did to them everyday. The girls oddly felt releaved by it. I smile seeing them finally calm somewhat. "Nothing will ever hurt you guys. Let's put him in the living room" I say and drag the cage into there. We then go back to watching our movie. I can't stand the thought of how someone can hurt a child I mean they aren't actually kids but they are young they told me their ages Camila Is only 17, Ally is 20,Lauren is 19, Dinah is also 17 and Normani is 18. What the fuck!!! This is great revenge for this asshole I'm gonna do everything to him that he did to these girls.

Fixing trauma - fifth Harmony /youOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz