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I don't need a friend
I don't need you
I don't need anyone
Though I want someone
I know I truly will never have someone
They will disappoint you
Things will change
Their heart is not like yours
Their minds are elsewhere
Spirits floating in their own world
Because they have minds and hearts of their owns
They don't need you
They want you
And they one day won't
So through the pain and the agony
I don't need a friend
I don't need you
I don't need anyone
I see now
That things will change
How you'll disappoint me
Because your heart is not like mine
Your mind is elsewhere
Your spirt floating away
Because you have a mind and heart of your own
And I've reached out toward you
Hoping you'll see
I need you
But as you go away
As you disappoint
As things change
Through the agony and the pain
I don't need a friend
I don't need you
I don't need anyone
As I curl and crumble away
My heart and yours, worlds and worlds away

Poems of the Mind Where stories live. Discover now