Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

It was the first day of school. I was starting 10th grade. As usual I found my friends chatting with one an other in front of the new timetables for this year.

As soon as they saw me they screamed In chorus and hugged me " Mery!" ( which was short for Mariel ) " we missed you so much!"

I chuckled " Me too!"

"Have you met the new one?" Andy asked me. "No, if you haven't noticed I have just arrived, well whatever who is she?" "She?!? Hahahaha!! It's a he!" Carly mocked at me. "Well, you said the new one not specifying if it was a guy or girl and-" I got interrupted by Penny who was fangirling about him.

"He's sooo cute!" She said with wide-opened eyes. She was staring at someone, so I followed the direction her eyes were at and I saw a boy with light brown hair, dark brown eyes and a beautiful smile; I also noticed he had a birth mark right in his neck. He was the most gorgeous human being I've ever seen.

"Is that him?" I asked Penny, pointing him with my finger. "Yeeeeess... Isn't he handsome?" I grinned at her as if saying yes.


My friends and I got to the first class after lunch, and for my surprise it was English class. I went over to the list that was on the door, to see who was in this class. "Mark, Claire, Stephanie, John, Andy, and.... Liam?"

Andy answered my question without me even asking. "He's the new one, the handsome one..." "I know who you're talking about, I'm not retarded!" I told her almost whispering.

I looked for a seat, and the only one that was left, was next to 'Liam'. I put my bag below my chair and rested my head on my hand watching him. "So you're the new one huh?" I asked with a little bit of sarcasm. "I'm Mariel but you can call me Mery"

He was too shy and just nodded at me, without making any sound, not even making eye contact with me. He looked so cute and innocent, but something told me that something else was behind those cute, big and sparkling eyes; something about his past.

After a few minutes that the bell had rung, the teacher: Mr. Scott told Liam to stand up next to him. He slowly stood up looking at me like if he wasn't sure if going or not. "Mr. Payne I don't have the entire class just to wait for you to stand up! Come on!" Mr. Scott scolded. He jumped like a little child that got scared because of a big thump noise. Mr. Scott wrapped his arm around Liam's shoulders and said "Class, this is Liam Payne. He has come all the way from London to study here, so I hope everyone gives him a warm welcome". Everyone looked at him with disgust, except for me and Andy. He sat beside me and covered his face with his large, smooth hands.

I didn't want him to feel any worse, so I just rubbed his back and gave him a big, warm smile.


We shared all the last classes of the day, and in every class I saw him getting more depressed than the last one.

I was getting worried about him, I mean, it was his first day of school and he was already having a bad time.

I kept an eye on him for the first month and saw that he was just so depressed that he couldn't even hold his head up. The only time I got to speak to him, was during the classes we shared. Because during lunch he hid somewhere that nobody could find him. He was a really good guy, kind and even funny, for real I haven't heard better jokes than the ones he told me. It seemed that I was the only girl and maybe the only person he talked to. But as soon as the bell rang, he ran towards the door and disappear into the crowd not even saying goodbye.

Something bad was happening, and I was going to figure it out.


Just weeks before winter brake I noticed that he got a black eye and sore lips. I was so surprised to finding him in this conditions.

I couldn't help it and told my friends. "Awww poor thing!" Penny said with a tear forming in her eye. "What the hell happened Mery?!" Andy took me by my shoulders and shook me. "Stop it Andy! I really don't know I was just about to ask you if you knew anything about it" I told her silently, but they both froze and couldn't answer my question.


After lunch, I used the time we shared in English class to ask him about his injuries. "What the hell happened to your eye?!" I asked whispering loudly.

"Emmm....ammmm....." Liam muttered. "Ermmm.. Eye-tuuuunes... Auch!" He said touching his eye with his finger, but withdrew because of the pain.

I looked at him carefully, grabbed his chin and started tilting it to the sides so i could have a better look of the the black eye and the injuries he had in and around the lips. I slightly rubbed my finger around the edge of his black eye and he frowned with my touch; obviously it hurt. I was about to say something when Mr. Scott cut in "Miss or should I say doctor". Everyone stared at us and started laughing, while Liam slowly covered his face with his hands "You'll check his injuries later, now please copy what's in the board." I nodded at him as he walked away.

I quickly glanced at Liam who's face was still covered with his hands, I took his hand off his face. He slowly turned his head to face me "I'll talk to you later" I whispered, he nodded in response and started coping from the board.


After the last bell of the day rang, I grabbed Liam's wrist before he could escape as he usually did everyday. He tried to escape, but I only tighten my hold.

"You'll come with me for a walk, wait for me at the parking lot" I commanded him. "For what?" He asked a little bit nervous. "You know exactly what I wanna talk about" I grinned at him as I saw a little blush in his cheeks.

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