How fun 2.

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I rubbed my hands together and breathed into them hoping to gather some heat. "You know that bow's aren't my thing right?" I yelled at Kate as she set up some targets.

"Oh, yeah. I remember the last time you shot an arrow" She yelled back. I smiled and laughed. She ran back over to me and picked up her bow. "I think with age come's a lot more steady hands. Give it a shot" She said handing me the bow. I sighed.

I grabbed an arrow and lined it up. "Yep... Right there and just..." She mumbled. I shook my head and smiled at her attempt to direct me.

I closed my left eye and raised the bow up. I pulled the string back. I moved my left hand around slightly attempting to steady and aim. I released the string. The arrow flew and landed on the furthest circle on the target. I shook my head.

"If you think hurting my pride is going to cheer me up... You are severely mistaken" I said smiling at Kate. She smiled back.

"Of course not. Here, let me help." She said handing me an arrow and walking behind me. I sighed. "Alright just raise it..." She said. I raised the bow and positioned it correctly. I felt Kate's breath get closer to my neck and her presence move closer to behind me. I swallowed and tried to focus on my breathing.

Kate put her hands on mine and steadied my hands. "Holy shit" I mumbled. "You could win fucking contests for how still you're hands are, Kate," I said astounded. I heard her laugh. A hot wave of breath was released on my neck giving me goosebumps. She took a step closer and our bodies were touching. Oh my god, it's like we're smooshed together like a sandwich. I can't breathe. Why is she doing this?

"Okay, just... Pull it back... Line it up. And release" She said. I released the arrow. We both raised our heads up waiting to see where the arrow landed. It landed one circle outside of the center. "See?" Kate said. She was still standing so close I could feel her body heat.

We stood in silence for a moment. I cleared my throat. Shit, distract her. "The view nice back there, or...?"

"Oh, I'm sorry," Kate said taking a step back quickly. I smiled and released a breath. Her warmth slowly left my body.

"It's fine," I said turning around and smiling at her. I could tell she was just as flustered as I was. I laughed awkwardly and put my hand on my face. She laughed too.

"Do you want to get a drink? To end the night?" Kate questioned. I raised my chin and pursed my lips in thought.

"Yes," I said after a long silence. She smiled at me and took the bow from me.

"Come on, I have some at my place," She said. I gasped sarcastically.

"Inviting me to your place already?... I guess you did buy me dinner but, Kate. You animal" I said scrunching my nose at her. She smiled and laughed. She pushed my shoulder.

"Shut up," She said playfully.

I sighed as I walked through the hallway. I kept my head down attempting to not look at the fluorescent lights. As I kept my head down a pair of heels stopped in front of my dirty converse. I sighed. I looked forward. It was my mother. 

"Yes, Kathryn?" I asked putting on a fake smile. She glared at me. She pulled off my sunglasses making me wince.

"I was using those," I said pinching the bridge of my nose.

"I thought you girls were getting pizza... I hope you didn't sleep together because that would be very bad for the company" She said. I furrowed my eyebrows. 

"Mooooooommmm," I said groaning. "We didn't sleep together, because she isn't into girls like me," I said taking my sunglasses back and walking around her.

Fame - Kate Bishop x Fem ocWhere stories live. Discover now