City of Walls and Secrets

Start from the beginning

Smellerbee and Longshot walked up behind Jet.

"Jet, we need to talk," Smellerbee said, surprising him.

"What? Oh great, it's you guys," Jet said, relieved. "Where have you been? I could use some help with surveillance here!"

"We've been talking, and we think you're becoming obsessed with this," Smellerbee said. "It's not healthy."

"Oh, really?" Jet said. "You both think this?"

Longshot placed his arm on Smellerbee's shoulder in agreement with her statement.

"We came here to make a fresh start," Smellerbee said. "But you won't let this go. Even though there is no real proof!"

"Well, maybe if you'd help me!" Jet said.

"Jet, you gotta stop this," Smellerbee said.

"Maybe you've forgotten why we need to start over," Jet said.

Smellerbee and Longshot looked down.

"Maybe you've forgotten about how the Fire Nation left us all homeless," Jet continued. "How they wiped out all the people we loved. If you don't want to help me, I'll get the evidence on my own." He headed toward the tea shop.

Inside, Iroh was serving a customer.

"This is the best tea in the city!" the customer said. He was one of two men in uniforms seated at the same table.

"The secret ingredient is love," Iroh said, waving his hand through the steam coming from the teapot. He walked toward the back of the shop where the owner was.

Zuko gave him am odd look as he passed. Zuko and Shun were busing the tables.

"I think you're due for a raise," their boss, who they had since learned was named Pao, said.

The door was suddenly slammed open by Jet. He entered the tea shop.

"I'm tired of waiting!" Jet declared. He pointed his hook swords at Zuko and Iroh and prepared to fight. "These two men are firebenders!" He looked at Shun. "Shun Yi, you must know this!"

Shun would have gladly told him that yes, they were firebenders, but they weren't there to hurt anyone. But she couldn't do that without giving Iroh and Zuko away, and she knew there would be no mercy for them if they were exposed. So she said nothing.

Zuko and Iroh exchanged a look.

"I know they're firebenders, I saw the old man heating his tea!" Jet said.

"He works in a tea shop," the customer Iroh just served pointed out.

"He's a firebender! I'm telling you!" Jet insisted.

That customer and the man he was sitting with stood up.

"Drop your swords, boy. Nice and easy."

"You'll have to defend yourself," Jet said, advancing toward Iroh and Zuko. "Then everyone will know. Go ahead, show them what you can do."

Shun glanced around the room for something to use as a weapon.

Just as one of the customers who stood up was about to draw his dual swords, Zuko stepped forward and grabbed them instead.

"You want a show?" Zuko asked. "I'll give you a show!" He took the customer's swords and entered a fighting stance. He pulled a table in front of him with his foot and kicked it at Jet, who sliced the table with his swords and jumped over it. As he landed, he swung both hook swords at Zuko, who deflected the attack and jumped backward onto another table, which was sliced in half by Jet, swinging one hook sword through the middle of the table. Zuko stepped onto one half of the table and balanced on one foot. Jet continued his attack by cutting the legs on the half of the table Zuko was standing on. Zuko quickly jumped up, and as he landed, he swung both of his swords at Jet's feet, and Jet somersaulted away and landed in a crouching position before he charged toward Zuko again. Zuko swung both of his swords at Jet. Both weapons clashed together.

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