Bath time

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Mommy!alcina x little!fem!reader
Warnings: age regression

I was in me and mommy's big bathroom as I was waiting on her to help me start my bath for tonight. I was sat on the counter swinging my legs back and forth humming a tune when I heard the door open to reveal my mama with her reading glasses on with her robe tied around her body and her hair braided back. She looked so beautiful, you couldn't stop admiring how gorgeous she looks. You snapped out of your trance when you heard her chuckle "my's rude to stare..".

You pouted and crossed your arms "I not staring mama! I-I admiring chu!". You could see a light pink on alcina cheeks meaning that she was flattered at your words. She walked towards you as she picked your nude body up to put you in your warm bath. She lowered you in gently and she started washing your hair softly with some shampoo. She started singing a song to you and you started to sing with her. Alci always loved when you would join in song with her, it always makes her happy.

She got a wash cloth and started cleaning your body as gently as she can. As she was finished you asked her "mommy? Cans I plays wif my toys!". Alcina smiled "of course my porumbel mic (little dove)". She got up to get your toys, she got them from a shelf in the corner of the room and she handed some of your favorite bath toys to you and you squealed in happiness. You started playing as alcina left to work right quick but not before telling you so you don't worry.

You were getting sleepy and starting to miss your mommy so you tried to get out of the water but slipped and fell on the floor. You started sobbing loudly and calling out for alci. Alcina heard your cries, with worry filling her body she immediately rushed over to the bathroom with her finding you crying on the floor. She gasped loudly and picked you up in her strong arms cradling you in her plump chest. "Oh draga mea...shhh shhh I'm here now darling...mamas here...". She rocks you back and forth as she starts singing a Romanian lullaby to you.

You quieted your sobs and starting sucking on alcis thumb. She smiles down at you with so much love in her eyes that it makes you blush bright red. She leans down and kissed your forehead softly. "Come on my darling...let's get to bed.". She carried you to y'all's shared bed as you clung to her. She laid down in the bed with her on top of her, she started examining you to make sure you didn't hurt yourself too badly. "You're all good draga mea! Just a few bruises baby...". She leaned down and kisses your boo boos which makes you wiggle in happiness.

"Tank chu mommy". You said as you looked down smiling. "Of course darling. I'll take care of you my little dove". Alcina said as she took of her reading glasses and put them on her night table on her side of the bed. You laid on her plump chest and closed your eyes. Alcina runs her fingers through your hair and sings you to sleep. "I love you porumbel mic".

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