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Wei Wuxian was running for his life. He did no longer know where exactly he was or where did he lose Lan Zhan, the only thing on his mind was just to get away from the rabid beast which was chasing him.

He had come across Jin Ling just a minute ago, and everything had looked fine. They had been talking but the brat – it must have had something to do with his upbringing under Jiang Cheng's wing – had gotten ridiculously over his head and had send Fairy after Wei Wuxian. He could not tell if the boy knew about his crippling fear of those beasts or not, but it did not matter anymore. He was being chased and he had to get away.

Only, Fairy was a well-trained spiritual dog who was very loyal to its owner, it did not seem like Wei Wuxian would be able to lose her, not even in the crowd. His heart was racing and he felt like he could not take a proper breath both because of his fear and the fact that Mo Xuanyu's body was not trained enough for such straining activities. He was running out of strength and he knew it was just a matter of time before the beast's teeth would sink into him.

If wanting to shake Fairy off in the crowd did not work, he decided that he would try his luck in some alley. If nothing more, at least he would have more space to run and would not have to avoid all the people in the market. He turned around a corner and run out from the busy street.

It was just his luck that the alley was barred with discarded stalls and he could not get through it at all. He started frantically trying to pass between them only to find out that despite how thin Mo Xuanyu had been, he could not press the body into any crevices between the stalls at all.

"Lan Zhan! Help me!" he cried out in his overwhelming panic.

And suddenly, his saviour in the white robes came out of nowhere and stood between him and the rabid beast. Wei Wuxian immediately came closer to him, he acted mostly subconsciously, he just wanted to be as safe as possible and he could not imagine a safer place then being glued to Lan Zhan's back right now.

Jin Ling came into the empty alley way as well and he was standing next to his spiritual dog. He was looking at him arrogantly and Wei Wuxian unfortunately could do nothing about it lest he wanted Fairy to start chasing him again. It was infuriating really.

Luckily, Lan Zhan stood there as an immortal who came to his rescue. He did not move an inch even when facing both Fairy and Jin Ling. If Wei Wuxian would be in a better state of mind, he would perhaps marvel at how ethereal and composed the Second Jade looked. As if nothing could ever touch him. He stared at him in awe, a true immortal who had seen everything and was above the lowly humans. He was Wei Wuxian's hero.

Even more so that Lan Zhan did not even flinch when Fairy revealed her sharp teeth and snarled at him quietly. Wei Wuxian could not tell what his perfect and kind protector had just done but suddenly, the beast whined, put its tail between its legs and backed out of the alley. Jin Ling looked like he wanted to say something but in the end, he just turned around and followed after his dog.

Wei Wuxian was saved. His legs were however still shaky and he decided he would hold onto Lan Zhan for as long as the other would allow it. He felt warm and safe and he somehow found it really hard to move from this position at all.

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