"(Y/N)..." She looked up and Druig visible gulped at the sight of her face, "When I look at you..I feel like I'm dying.... like I can't breathe. I want you so badly I can't concentrate." Druig's voice was hoarse, laying down his all for this girl as the male pulled her against his toned chest.

(Y/N) held on tighter to Druig's clothes, her knuckles scrunching up from how hard she was, her arms wrapped around the male's back and her head was rested in the crock of Druig's neck. (Y/N) finally had Druig back and she was never planning on letting go anytime soon.

Though a sudden loud scream broke the reuniting pair apart.

"The deviants are back!" (Y/N) exclaimed, breaking out of Druig's hold, "We have to help the others."

Druig nodded his head and just as (Y/N) was about to fly off, the male grabbed her wrist.

"What's wrong?" (Y/N) questioned when she turned around, watching as Druig bit down on his lip wanting to say something but held his tongue and went for something else.

"Be careful (Y/N)." He said sternly, his blue eyes full of emotions, one the girl picked up was worry.

(Y/N) smirked, "Of course, you know me."

Druig reluctantly let go of (Y/N), as the woman shot up in the air flying all the way to where Sersi was currently in trouble.

"Sersi!" (Y/N) yelled, landing down where the deviant was coming, the girl put her fists together and her eyes shot open to glowing white ones, air being exploded from this, along with her hair flying up.

(Y/N) jumped in the air, spinning and kicked a powerful blast of air towards the deviant, knocking it back by a lot, (Y/N) landed on the ground and watched with her white eyes as the human's started shooting their guns at the deviant, the girl saw...

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(Y/N) jumped in the air, spinning and kicked a powerful blast of air towards the deviant, knocking it back by a lot, (Y/N) landed on the ground and watched with her white eyes as the human's started shooting their guns at the deviant, the girl saw how their eyes glowed and she knew Druig was nearby.

As the humans were fighting, one of them got knocked away and Druig suddenly appeared, one hand on the deviant he jumping over the beasts tail, rolling over on the ground, taking hold of a gun and jumped over the deviant again he shot his gun, hitting it.

(Y/N) helped Sersi up, checking if she was alright then (Y/N) turned back to the deviant, seeing it screech at Druig, the (H/C)'s white eyes glowing bright she pushed her arms up and brought up a massive rock barrier surrounding the deviant, blocking it from any escape.

While (Y/N) dealt with the deviant, Sersi run up to Druig, "Druig! let them go!"

"You know it's not the time for this." Druig replied back.

Sersi grabbed a hold of his shoulders, "Please, I know you're better than this. (Y/N) knows you're better than this."

Drugi eyes darkened at the mention of his beloved's name, shoving the arms on his shoulders, his muscles flexing when he put out of his arms, eyes glowing as he released the humans, "Go! get to the river!" Druig commanded.

𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐌𝐎𝐑𝐄 , druig Where stories live. Discover now