"So that's it" she gave a dry chuckle "nothing new in the pureblood household.

"For some time I expected for my mother to be normal again, to be like she used to. But expectations are like fine pottery. The harder you held them, the more likely they were to crack. And I expected, I believe I still do." She wiped that one tear that rolled down her cheek.

"But it doesn't matter. All pureblood families are the same and believe me when I tell you that if I..." Alexia paused knowing that her mother will make her marry someone and have children with that person "...when I have my own children, they will not suffer as I do."

Regulus sat quietly on the edge of her bed. She looked at him, she expected him to speak, say something, anything, but he stayed quiet.

Then he stood up and walked towards her.

"You know our mothers aren't that different after all" he chuckled dryly and hugged her.

At first Alexia just stood in his arms but after a few seconds she moved her arms around his waist and hugged him tightly.

"My mother used to beat up Sirius, she had a reason. The disgrace of the Most Noble and Ancient house of Black, the oldest son that is a Gryffindor. The one that doesn't obey, breaks every rule that is made. She had a resason even if it wasn't the brightest. Now that Sirius left, she beats me up, but I don't understand because she doesn't have any reasons... I obey, I listen, I'm a Slytherin, I'm one of the best students, I don't break any rules. But my mother still holds her wand right in front of my face." Regulus whispered into her neck holding her close.

They stood there for some time. Just holding each other.

"I want to lay down" Alexia whispered.

Regulus let her go "yes of course, sorry" he scratched his neck awkwardly.

Alexia was next to her bed when she turned around to look at him "Do you...Do you want to lay down with me?" She asked in the smallest voice possible.

"Amm...yeah, yeah if you're sure about that"

"Of course. You're my best friend"

Regulus felt like a sharp dagger was plunged into his heart, but he knew she didn't mean to make him feel that way, so for now he shook off that feeling and walked towards Alexia.

She pulled the covers of her bed up and went under then still holding a corner for Regulus. He took of his shoes and went under the covers next to her.

Regulus looked at Alexia's turned back to him and didn't know what to do. Should he just lay there, should he wrap his arm around her or turn his back on her too.

While his brain was thinking of what to do his heart did it for him wrapping one of his arms around her waist and pulling her closer.

"Do you think if I slept a little more, I would forget about all this nonsense?" She said in a small voice.

For some reason Alexia feared that if she talked any louder her voice would crack. Not from talking and thinking about her mother, but because when he wrapped his arm around her waist, her stomach did a weird flip and when he pulled her closer her heart skipped a beat.

"I would like to believe that way, but I know that it won't help" he answered her question.

She nodded her head to show him that she heard and understood him.



"Promise me not to hide yourself when you're in pain. It's unfair that we laughed together but you cried alone"

She thought for a minute. Maybe telling him about herself will help her deal with her life, her mother.

"I promise"

Regulus then notice Alexia cuddling more into him and at that moment he felt like his chances went up.

Maybe she does feel something for me. Maybe she just doesn't know it yet.

Soon they both fell asleep.


"For fuck's sake Alexia. What have you been doing this whol-..." Felix stopped in her track.

She's been searching for her brunette best friends everywhere, because it's saturday and they planned on going to the library to study.

Then Felix thought that Alexia might of forgot and was still in her bedroom, the last part is true, but a head of curls that was next to her best friend was not what Felix expected.

"...-le time" she finished her sentence slowly.

"What. The. Actual. Fuck." Felix said walking closer to Alexia's bed to inspect who the head of curls belong to.

She lifted a bit of curly hair to reveal a sleeping Regulus Black.

"Merlin's ball. Regulus fucking Black" she whispered in shock.

She quickly turned around and left through the still opened door.

Not even a minute latter Felix was back in Alexia's room, but this time with some company.

"What is so important that you had to drag us here?!" Herbet complained loudly.

"Shhh, you moron!" Felix whispered-shouted.

"What is it?" Theodore whispered this time looking around Alexia's room.

"Look at it yourselves" she pointed at the only bed in the room.

"Who that next to her?!" Armand pointed out his eyes going wide.

"Shit, Regulus won't be happy when he finds out that Alexia slept with someone other that him." Theodore said dramatically, already imagining how Regulus would react to the news.

"You three idiots, look who it is" Felix rolled her eyes while lightly pushing Theo closer to the bed.

"Merlin's bear-!" Herbet quickly slapped his hand onto Theodore's mouth shushing him.

"Well, well, well, looks like Regulus finally got into his game" Armand said looking at the two sleeping teenagers like a proud dad, wiping a fake tear of his cheek.

"Knock it off." Felix said slapping him on the head.

"When did they get together? Why we haven't known that they've been together?? How did they get together??? I have so many questions..." Herbet asked mostly to himself.

Suddenly Regulus groaned, he was walking up from the noise that his 4 friends were making. He moved a bit, only tightening his arms around the brunette girl's waist and snuggling closer.

"Shhhh, shut your damn mouths he's waking up!" Felix whispered-shouted at the three males.

"Nahh" Armand said relaxing "he is living his dream life, cuddling with a girl that he liked for 3 years, he won't wake up" his smirk became more visible as he spoke.

"Alright, alright, now let's go" Felix said trying to drag three males out of her best friend's room "let them sleep"

"You're the one who brought us here" Herbet complained

"And I'm the one who is taking you out of here" she pushed them through the doorway and looked at her two sleeping friends before closing the door.

1844 words

My Darling {Regulus Black}Where stories live. Discover now