Chapter I don't know XD

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When marinette got there she rushed into the house. When she  got in the house she noticed that it was empty other than Luka. 

"hey Mari are you dropping out too? Everyone else except for me has dropped  out." Luka told the surprised girl. 

""n n n no why did they drop out." Marinette asked luka in a soft tone. 

"I I I can't tell you Mari I can't have you hurt." Luka cried out. 

"Luis is it because of what I think it is did they drop out because of me?" Marinette asked like and what made her sad was that he nodded yes.

She couldn't hold beck her anger, sadness, and tiredness any longer. She burst into tears and ran to Luka and he looked down sadly but in the inside he was pissed off. 

Suddenly a black butterfly was flying around them.


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