×chapter 8×

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It was the end of the day and it started to pour Suigetsu left school early so Sasuke had to drive home alone, he was going to Suigetsu's house to confront him. Soon arriving, he parked his car then quickly rushed to the door since it was still pouring.

He knocked on the door, the door opens and-
And his eyes meet with his boyfriend's.

"Oh Sasuke I didn't expect you"

"Well um Suigetsu we need to talk... it's about the night I came back super late, the night I went drinking with Naruto", Suigetsu nodded he knew this was the time to tell Sasuke "come in".

Both boys walked into the living room, they sat down making eye contact.

You could see how worried Suigetsu was and how scared Sasuke was, he didn't know how Suigetsu would react or what his response would be.

Sasuke broke the tension "that night we had that sleepover, your phone went off and we'll".

Suigetsu smirked "didn't expect you to take a look at my phone", "that's not the point".

"The person who texted you was Sai but why would he be texting you, well he said something about you rejecting him so part of me was relief but the other part felt anger". "So today I went to meet him on the rooftop, he told me that you too were doing something the night I had got drunk".

Suigetsu stared at the ground you could feel the aroma around the two of them and, it wasn't pretty.

"I don't want to argue so please don't lie, Suigetsu.....", "What happened that night".

Suigetsu didn't take his eyes off the ground "Suigetsu look at me" he didn't move.

Sasuke crept close to his boyfriend "Suigetsu", he pulled his chin up staring into his eyes "fuck" Suigetsu cursed himself.

"Sasu I-I don't know why I did it"

"Suigetsu what did you do"

"Damnit Sasuke I slept with him I fucking slept with him, we had too much to drink and he was throwing himself on me so I just gave in".

"Being drunk isn't an excuse"

"I know I know but it happened again and I wasn't drunk, I Don't understand this because I love you but Sai makes me....".

"Don't...don't try to explain it I get it"

"I'm so so sorry Sasuke I don't want to hurt you anymore" Suigetsu pleaded.

Sasuke stood up he stared down at Suigetsu, Suigetsu couldn't make eye contact with the hurt raven.

"Do I mean anything to you DO I"

Sasuke was furious Suigetsu stranded up with him "Sasuke I'm so-" he tried to reach for the Sasuke, but he stepped back quickly "don't touch me".

Sasuke walked away but was tugged back to him by the hand "Sasuke please don't leave let's talk about this", "Suigetsu you slept with another man why the fuck would I wanna talk with you".

He snatched his arm back he walked out the door not giving him a second look why would he.

He was desperate he needed interaction with someone, he decided to call Karin and Sakura they immediately agreed.
"So he cheated twice the first time was an accident but the second one was intentional" Sasuke nodded.

The three of them were up in Sasuke's bedroom talking about Suigetsu and Sasuke's talk, "I'm gonna beat the shit out of him"Sakura was fuming.

"Well I called Naruto about 10 minutes ago where is he", "Sakura we should get going Naruto will be here the rest of the night for you sasu".


The three heard the doorbell ring Sakura and Karin got up to go meet Naruto at the door.

About 5 minutes later the door could be heard shutting and the blonde coming up the stairs

The door opened to the blonde peeking in seeing if the raven was asleep, "hi sasu" Sasuke stared at the blonde.

"Come in Naruto" the blonde had stepped into the room, he joined sasuke on the bed.

The tension between them was super thick, their last conversation was a bit awkward.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you it wasn't my place", Sasuke just nodded he understood the situation.

Sasuke layed down all this talking had him exhausted, "lay down with me Naruto" naruto was hesitant but gave in.

Both boys were staring at Sasuke's ceiling laying next to each other.

Sasuke turned his head staring at the blonde, he turned to face towards the raven.

"Naruto you don't have to stay"

"Nonsense I'll never leave your side"

Naruto's face heated up along with Sasuke, Sasuke couldn't keep his eyes off Naruto's lips.

How badly he wanted to kiss them, little did he know Naruto was thinking the same thing.

Both boys leaned in slowly getting inches and inches closer.



Their lips were one it was like time had frozen they didn't move but their lips were still connected, Naruto leaned into the kiss more.

He climbed on top of the Raven still kissing, he stopped the kiss before it got too heated.

He climbed off the raven getting back on the side he was, he still stared at the flushed Sasuke.

"Your adorable Sasuke, good night".

"N-night Naruto".

Sasuke smiled to himself flushed 'i hope you'll be here for me'

Sigh I tried plus I'm swimming tomorrow soooooo I need lots of sleep happy Thanksgiving (◍•ᴗ•◍)❤

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