Chapter 14 - When I Feel Cold you Keep Me Warm

Start from the beginning

I sighed and looked around at the people surrounding me, not recognizing any of them. Just then, I felt strong arms snake around my waist and spin me around, making me collide with their owners' hard chest. I looked up and was greeted by a dimpled grin and curly hair, belonging to none other than Harry Styles. Although my heart was beating rapidly, I kept my cool and tried to keep as collected as I could.

"How can I help you?" I asked in a casual tone, keeping my arms at my sides. He leant down so his lips were at my ear and I could feel his hot breath on my skin. "Dance with me." He breathed, pulling me closer to him. I felt his hips rock into mine as he swayed us to the thudding base of the music, shocking my senses. I pulled away enough to look at him and met his dark eyes.

"What are you doing Harry?" I asked, trying to push him away. "I want you. You're so hot, and Zayn doesn't deserve you." He slurred, pulling us impossibly closer. My body was tightly pressed up against his as he rocked our hips left and right. "Harry, stop! Zayn and I are together! I DONT want YOU!" I forced, pushing space between us with the little strength I had against him.

He ignored my plea and pressed our bodies together again, trapping my hands between our chests. One of his arms pinned me to his chest as his other hand travelled down my back before resting on my ass, pushing my hips into him. Harry's lips were then pushed onto mine, forcing my mouth to respond. I refused to kiss him back, trying to pull away from his hungry kiss. He tasted of a mixture of vodka, tequila and unknown drinks, making me feel sick in the stomach. To keep me from getting away, he gripped my ass, causing me to whimper into his mouth.

He pulled away only to reattach his lips to the skin where y shoulder met my neck, sucking hard and grazing his teeth across the aching skin until he was satisfied that the mark was perfect. All I could do was protest and try to push him away, but both efforts were useless. Harry pulled away to admire the love bite he had left on my neck, grinning to himself as his eyes snapped back to mine.

"Why are you doing this Harry?" I asked in a small voice, still struggling against his hold. "Because you're bad for Zayn. You'll ruin him and One Direction, and I can't, no, I WONT let that happen." He spoke in a chilling tone, eyes boring into mine. I whimpered as he ran his thumb across the bruise he had left on my skin, bringing tears to my eyes.

I squinted my eyes shut, trying block out Harry. Suddenly, a cold rush passed my face and I was left standing alone, Harry's hold having released me. I opened my eyes to find a pained Harry rolling on the floor and clutching his bloodied nose. I turned to my rescuer and noticed Zayn with a clenched fist at his side and a seething look plastered to his face.

"Don't EVER touch her again." He warned Harry in a deadly voice. I burst into tears as I ran to him, collapsing in his warm embrace. "Shh babe, it's all okay now." He soothed, stroking my hair. He softly pulled my head from the crook of his shoulder so he could gently kiss me and do his best to sooth my panicked state. His eyes traveled down to the bite Harry had left on my skin and I could see his jaw tightening.

His darkened eyes flicked over to the now standing Harry and his arms began to remove themselves from around me. "ZAYN! Please don't! I just want to go home!" I begged, pulling at his face so his eyes were trained on me. His jaw muscles protruded from his cheeks but his eyes visibly softened, giving me a warm feeling.

He stiffly nodded and wrapped his arm around my waist, gently leading me out of the club. Before we stepped out from the club, someone called Zayn's name over the sound of the music. We both spun around to find a bloodied Harry frowning at us. "Zayn, she's going to ruin you. She's not GOOD for you! Please walk away from this NOW, I just don't want to see you, and ever HER, get hurt!" He yelled, gesturing at me. "The fans will flip when they find out, so stop this before it gets to that!"

His pleas went unheard as Zayn turned his back on his friend and pulled me out of the club with him, never once looking back. We walked over to a black van with a man lazily sitting inside, reading a newspaper. Zayn tapped on the glass and the balding man looked over at us, frowned, and then rolled his window down.

"Where are the rest of the lads?" He asked in a gruff tone, looking at me suspiciously. "They're still partying. Amanda and I need to get home. Can you drive us?" Although Zayn asked the question, it sounded more like a statement. The man nodded and the back door slid open, granting us our ride.

"Come on, in you get." Zayn murmured in my ear, gently pushing me into the car. I slid into the van, closely followed by Zayn who wrapped his arm around my shoulders and pulled me into him, running his hand up and down my arm. "Did he hurt you?" He murmured in my ear as the car weaved through the streets. "Just my neck." I sighed, touching my finger pads to the tender skin.

Zayn pulled my fingers away and replaced them with his lips, soothing the aching skin with his soft kiss. "I can't believe he would do that." He knitted his brow, his eyes darkening. "I can..." I whispered, looking down at my hands. I felt Zayn's hand beneath my chin as he pulled my face so he could look at me. "Why? Why do you believe he would try and take you from me?" He asked, hurt flashing across his eyes.

I let out a shaky breath, staring intently into his soft, brown eyes. "Because he is right. I can ruin you. I don't WANT to, but I'm scared I will. But I just don't think he realizes HOW I will. I'm damaged Zayn, and I'm frightened that that will drive a wedge between us and end up causing you pain that I would never wish on you. I-I don't want to hurt you." I spoke in a small voice, dropping my gaze to my palms once again.

He yet again pulled at my face and held it so I couldn't look away. "You're not who you used to be. You've become stronger, happier! You can't hurt me, because there's nothing you can do to stop me from loving you." He spoke in a low voice, running his thumb over my cheek as the tears spilt over. I shook my head, pulling away from his grasp. "My demons are still there Zayn, they'll always be a part of me." I breathed, low enough that I didn't expect him to hear me.

But he did, because his body tensed next to mine before he grasped me in his arms and hugged me tight. We stayed like that until our trip ended, never breaking our embrace. When our driver informed us that we had arrived, Zayn hesitantly pulled away, planting a kiss on my head. He slid out of the car and held his hand out for me, thanked the driver and then leading me inside.

I didn't resist as he pulled me into our bedroom and gently pushed me onto the bed before proceeding to pull my heels off of my feet. He then zipped me out of my dress and pulled it over my head before retrieving a white shirt from the floor and pulling it down to cover my body once again. It was obviously his shirt since it was baggy on my small frame, making me feel small and insignificant. He then kicked his own shoes off, pulled his shirt over his head and proceeded to pick me up bridal style, pull back the covers, and place me inside.

He slid into the bed next to me and pulled the covers down on our bodies to keep us warm. I felt his arms around me as he pulled me into his warm chest, letting me nuzzle into his neck.

I was shaking slightly, despite the heat that was radiating off of Zayn's body, and my heart was thumping wildly against my rib cage. What Harry had said struck a truth within me, making me feel that I really was bad for Zayn. And no matter how hard he pulled me into him to keep me from shaking, I knew I wouldn't stop. I wasn't right for him, I wasn't right for anyone.



Pretty intense chapter here! Amanda is starting to second guess her and Zayn's relationship, but how much damage will Harry's words cause?

Just a note, the lyrics from the Ed Sheeran songs that are used for the chapters may be relevant, but the entire song may not be. Thought I would just explain that :))

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Thank you <3 xx

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