Chapter 1

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"Skylar, why are you crying this time..?" I asked as Ranboo slowly followed the girl around.

He was like a love sick puppy, but I couldn't imagine them being in love with anyone else.

"I just realized that I'm adopted and you're not actually my dad." She spoke going to bang her head against the wall but Ranboo put his hand on her forehead and pulled her back.

"Dream how do you deal with this?" George asked me. He sat next to sapnap on the couch.

"Ask Ranboo how he deals with it, he gets it more than me."

"Last night she cried because I told her she was my favorite person."

"Now I'm gonna cry about that again. Fuck off."

"Skylar I'm sorry-" Ranboo started before she rammed her forehead into his stomach.

"Don't apologize."

"Dad help." She threw herself on me as everyone laughed.

"Just watch fast and furious again then you'll be happy."

"No, then I'll have an adrenaline rush."

"Then watch Rocket Man."

"She'll listen to Elton John all night and not sleep."
Ranboo spoke, cutting the girl off.

"I don't know what to tell you then. Go play Minecraft with Ranboo? Or go on a drive. I know you love those."

"Oh! Let's go on a drive." Skylar grabbed her keys and the taller males hands and ran out of the door.

"Um. Okay? Bye? I love you too?" Sapnap spoke before rolling his eyes and pretending to cry.

"She's growing up. I hate it." He spoke again.

"You hate it? I hate it more, she's my kid. I've had her since she was 13. You see she's a whole blown adult now!"

"I can still be sad, she's my niece."

"She's my kid."

"She's my best friend."

"SHE WAS MY BEST FRIEND BEFORE YOURS?" I yelled back at him to spite him.

"Fuck off!"

"No, you fuck off."

I stopped fighting with Sapnap and laid fully down on the couch.

Everyone's parents were coming over soon for thanksgiving since we were hosting it.

By everyone I mean, all of our parents and siblings.

I didn't know why but I was extremely nervous to meet everyone's parents.

Especially Georges, I need them to like me.

He moved to a different country to live with Sap and I, so I need to set a good example.

I need everything to be perfect.

As we all laid on the couch watching, five feet apart.

Something Skylar begged us to watch, I couldn't help but feel a sense of comfort.

Normally I was comfortable around Sapnap and George, but this was different.

This was so incredibly different and I had no idea why.

"Clay, are you alright?" George asked quickly and quietly.

"Yeah I'm good." I responded, turning my attention back to the movie.

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