Piercings: Ear studs

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Piercings: Ear studs


Giant Phoenix on his back.

Smokes: Yes

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Smokes: Yes

Drinks: Yes


Hugo doesn't have a rest bitch face, he's always intentionally glaring into the air or at someone because he is ninety percent of the time pissed off. Mostly because of his condition he's angry, angry that he can't control it and angry at those around him since he's in a gang and those are quite annoying people. He doesn't try to get along and other people don't want to get along with him unless they need him for some reason, which he doesn't mind since he most likely means he's getting paid. He has trust issues which is why he doesn't get close to others, he always expects the worse of other people. He can be tolerable, making sadistic jokes so people don't completely fear him.

His trust issues are also caused by his, surprisingly, sensitive side. He doesn't let it show because he's built up walls so no one can get to him but if you do see that side, it becomes more obvious of why he acts a certain way and it can be funny, cute or both. He isn't a violent person not unless he needs to be which can put all rumors of him being a brawler as false. And the rumors of him being such a man whore are a lie as well, well with women at least. He's a bit more nice with ladies unless they're an actual bitch then he humiliates them with words. He might be an asshole but he doesn't stoop that low, he doesn't treat women like queens but isn't as much of a brute with them.


Endurance. Physically, he's good at enduring pain which was why he never minded getting such big tattoos. Emotionally, he's a wrecking ball.


Ignorance. He acts like he knows it all, not wanting to hear others opinions or ideas whatsoever since he gets so easily irritated. He doesn't try to understand the bigger picture or other people. He doesn't think highly of himself but he doesn't like others either.

Anger. He has some anger issues, being put off so easily or is suddenly hut with a wave of fury. The way he tries to relax is either by hitting something, getting a tattoo, or if it's actually that serious then medication.

Physical conditions: None

Mental illnesses: Intermittent explosive disorder (rarely tales medication)

Likes: The ocean, sleeping, snakes, smoking, reading

Dislikes: Swimming, the cold, too much drinking, annoying people


Father - dead
Mother - hospital
Siblings - none

Pets: None

Hobbies: Reading, boxing

Occupation: He's in a gang

Back story:

Hugo's family was actually quite wealthy in the short start of his life. Until he was 14 his family lived on their own estate but his parents weren't exactly in love, his father at least. It was an arranged marriage but his mother did love his father though he didn't appreciate it, in secret seeing a mistress or ten whenever she wasn't around. Though there were rumors she didn't want to believe it until catching him first hand, she confronted him and as she persisted him to stop but the response she got was a smack across the face. She tried to convince him to stop and each time resulted in more hits, getting more violent than the last. Hugo was more fond of his mother since she did try teach him to be a good and compassionate person, his father just wanted an heir so they didn't have a connection besides blood. So when he heard of his mother getting harmed for so long, he didn't exactly take it lightly and went to full on attack his father when the old man arrived back home. Just trying to land hits on the guy until a slip and fall happens, his dad hitting his head and bleed out.

After that, Hugo and his mother lost all that wealth then him losing his mother. She took the fall for him, not wanting him to face serious accusations for his accident because it was an actual accident since he just wanted to bruise his old man a little not become a murderer. She confessed all frantically so authorities assumed she wasn't in the right state of mind and ended up being locked in the psych ward for indefinitely. After that he ended up living in a foster home until he used a saving account his mom made for him to get a rusty apartment and stay on his feet for a while, doing dirty jobs then one thing led to another and he ends up in gang.

Theme song:

Daywalk by Machine Gun Kelly ft. CORPSE

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