Chapter 1 [mabye TW]

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On a usual cloudy morning in Small Heath, Isabella awaits to meet her brothers after 4 years of being away. Standing on the platform Isabella replays thoughts in her mind of the different scenarios that could possibly happen in the next few minutes, making her overly nervous. Would they come back in one piece? Would they remember her? Would John be missing an eye? or Arthur missing a leg or a arm?

Izzy knew they would never be the same as they once was and that's what terrifies her the most. But in all fairness, she wasn't who she used to be. She was playful, mischievous [even though she still is] and overall happy. A lot happened to her over those 4 years, things she has swore to never tell a soul, things she wants to forget but unfortunately they always seem to creep into her mind. That glint in her eye she used to once have had soon disappeared after the "thing" happened. she likes to call it that because in her little mind she believes that if not mentioning the "thing" it never truly happened.

Being pulled from her thoughts, she comes aware that they train that is carrying her brothers, had pulled into the station. she was scared. Nothing really scares her but something as little as this got her receiving Goosebumps on her arm. The doors open to the train and she was soon smothered by other families trying to meet with there relations once again. She lost her aunt and siblings in the crowd, the only thing she could see was the train steaming to a stop and the train doors slowly opening. As she was trying to find any sign of her family she was grabbed by the arm by her sister. She was pulled into a clearing of the platform and was soon covered by smoke of the train leaving. After the smoke cleared , she came face to face with a hard chest. shocked by the impact she fell to the floor and looked up to see her eldest brothers stood staring at her. She didn't move, she just stared at them with mouth hanged a little open.

"well? are you not gonna give you favourite brother a hug?" Arthur asked with amusement in his voice.

She leaped from the ground and into one of her eldest brothers arms. She tensed at the sign of contact but soon dissolved into his warm embrace.

"ey! Fuck off Arthur about favourite brother, me and you both know I'm her fucking favourite! what about me? where's my hug?"

I laughed at there stupid argument and let go of Arthur, to be brought into yet another warm embrace of john. It felt so good to be able to hold them again as I once did. To be able to now rely on them once again. I mean I had fin, my twin , but nothing came close to having them back in my life. I suddenly realise I had missed someone. I let go of john to be meeten with those blue eyes , just the same as mine. my actual favourite brother [ but don't tell the others that, they'll cut my head off] who on many occasions drive me up the fucking wall but that just made me love him ten time more .I ran and leaped into Tommy's arms, being devoured into the loving hold I loved as a child.

I missed this. Being a family again. I missed the stupid arguments, the playful fights we used to have, the days where we'd sit at the Garrison, probably having one to many, but the absolute feeling of being a family again.

" alright, alright. before we get all soppy. why don't we go to the Garrison and a have a well deserved drink? cause fucking hell I need it!" Arthur enquired.

I let go of tommy and we all walk to Polly, Ada and Fin. Once they shared the fair do's of hugs and maybe a few happy tears from Aunt Pol, we made our way through the streets of Birmingham to where most of our treasured moments have always been, a place we could call our home.

I hope this could all remain peaceful, just like today. But nothing ever lasts forever.

This is my first ever book so please be kind and also please give me some feedback to back it better x

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