The Army:3

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t(*o*t) Norman's POV t(*o*t)

I watch the two with my binoculars, they begin to dance in the field of flowers after kicking that creep, Harley, away. I narrow my eyes, throwing the binoculars down and jumping off the tree branch I was perched on, careful not to let the ground underneath me fall since I'm on a cliff.

"No boy will lay a finger on my little girl." I growl, taking out Slaking's pokéball, getting ready to throw it.

"OH NO YOU DON'T NORMAN!!!" A voice yells, stopping my arm from swinging and releasing my pokémon.

-3rd Person POV-

A brunette with waist length hair wearing a black and blue colored headset, a black choker with a glowing lightening symbol on it, baggy black shorts and a crimson red blouse stops him from releasing Slaking. She has a determined look on her face, barely using up any of her strength to stop Norman, a single white rose in her other hand. A group of people the size of a small yet big army stands behind her, all looking as equally determined as the brunette.

Norman narrows his eyes and pushes her back, releasing his trusty pokémon. The girl seems unfazed, three more people step in front of the crowd, all dressed differently.

There's a girl wearing a lilac dress, a magenta ribbon in her hair, a violet and white headset, a black choker with a small flower-shaped gem inside, white stockings with a violet bow on the front of it, purple dress shoes . As well as bundle of small lavender flowers held in her left hand.

The third girl has short blue hair reaching slightly above her sholders and wears black jeans, a sky blue blouse with long sleeves, a white choker with a gem in it, two golden bracelets on her arms, a gold, blue and black headset, sky blue gloves reaching up to her wrists, black sneakers, a black staff in her hand that has a golden shape on it. She also holds a bundle of gold flowers with black in the center and blue rimmed around them in her hand. Norman notices she resembles a Shinx.

The last girl has long sky blue hair, an indigo and black headset, electric blue eyes with the smallest specks of yellow, black baggy-ish shorts leading down to her knees, black and blue sneakers, a white choker with a gem on it, a blouse with long, widely open sleeves the color of the lightest blue. What she also possesses are tiny blue flowers with a crystal at the center, shining. But there is something that sticks out the most: her eyes are clouded.

"You shall not interfere with their lives," The girl in the purple glory states, she takes a step torward with her left foot, narrowing her eyes at the father.

"Who are you and what gives you the right to tell me what to do?" He questions, narrowing his eyes at the four girls.

"We are the Four Leaders of the Contestshipping Army, and we won't allow that you destroy our ship," They all say together in a commanding and serious voice.

"Ship? What ship? I'm just trying to destroy that green-haired boy that's trying to take away my little girl." He defends, completely unaware by what they meant.

"Well we won't let you!" The girl resembling a Shinx yells, her hands curled into fists.

"Contestshippers, ATTAAAAAAAAACK!" They all yell, their flowers shine and turn into magnificent yet deadly weapons, pointing them at the poor gym leader.

"Wha-Slaking, Vigoroth, Slakoth!" He yells, releasing his ape pokémon. "Distract them while I go save my daughter!"

"Commander Shinxy, you and your side take Slaking! LG, you and your group take on Vigoroth! Elize, you take on Slakoth with the rest!" The first girls instructs the other leaders.

"Got it Eli," They call back to said girl-Eli- as they leave for their assigned pokémon.

"Remember what Tai Lee taught you guys!" She yells over her shoulder, running after the escaped person.

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