! Zoro x female swordsman reader !

Start from the beginning

Whenever the two got up they walked towards the boy. Looks like they knew him, Ace had friendly intentions and Smoker had not so friendly intentions. The whole restaurant ran out of their way except straw hat of course, I just walked out of the restaurant and peeked through the entrance.

Then the Straw Hat boy came running out of the restaurant with his face still stuffed. While the marine Smoker chases him out. Then Ace runs after the straw hat, then I run after them to because I had nothing else better to do.

Running through the town, Straw Hat find his crew. "Oh hey Zoro" he says. I stop, did he just say Zoro? I then pick up the pace to see a familiar face. It looks like he noticed me to because he had this look of shock.


While my idiot captain was running wild he called out my name. 'You idiot why would u blow my cover' I thought. I saw someone else though that wasn't a marine chase after luffy to, she had (H/L) (H/C) and beautiful (E/C) eyes. She was carrying 1 sword. She looks so familiar, seems she noticed me to because she stopped running and had this shocked look on her face.

She started to wave at me and said "hey Zoro do you remember me, it's (Y/N)!" I made hand movement and told her to follow us and hurry up to. As much as I would love to talk to her I couldn't right now. There was to much stuff going on.

But I couldn't help but asked myself some questions like what is she doing here and why was she chasing my captain. I don't know but I'll get the answer soon enough but first we have to run.

As we were running into the town Smoker caught up to Luffy. Just as I prepared for the worst, the mystery man with the hat appeared and stopped Smokers attack. Looks like the mystery man ate a flame type devil fruit.

Oh well he could deal with that I'm just worried about (Y/N). Hopefully she catches up quickly.

(Y/N)s P.O.V

Zoro made hand movements for me to catch up and follow them, I nodded my head to let him know that I got the message. I tried to pick up the pace but I was already going as fast as I could. With Ace distracting Smoker it gave Straw Hat boy and me a chance to get out of here.

Oh how bad I just wanted to jump in Zoros arms. I'm so glad that he's still alive and well. We all ran into the town. I was so sweaty because it was so hot. Honestly it felt like I was running through the pits of hell.

I almost caught up with Zoro and them as they slow down. I slow down my pace to, it took a some time but then they finally noticed me." Hey Y/N it's been a while" Zoro said. "Yup, honestly I've been worrying about you."

"Uhm Zoro do you know who that is" Straw Hat says. "Yea we were childhood friends, we met at my dojo." Straw hat just nodded his head, he was to thirsty to talk. On the other hand a curly brow man keeps looking at me weird.

"So Y/Ns your name, huh" the weird brow man said. "Yea what of it" "YOU LOOK VERY BEAUTIFUL Y/N CHAANN" I didn't know what his deal was but I didn't mind it. "Dont say anything stupid, dumbass cook" Zoro said. "Dont boss me around, moss head" the cook said.

I found it quite funny. I was to focused on those two to notice that Vivi was here to. "Hey Vivi, I came to visit you." "Oh really, that's so sweet of you Y/N." "Where are we headed now?" I said "back to the ship" a orange haired lady said to me.

Once they made it to the ship

"Wait a minute where's your brother luffy" The orange haired girl asked. "Oh Ace, don't worry hes very strong" then the straw hat started to tell his childhood stories with Ace and how Ace used to always beat him up. I was getting comfortable until someone grabbed me by my arm. I looked to see who it was and it was Zoro.

"Hey Zoro what's wrong?" But I got no response. Instead he hugged me. "I'm so glad you're okay" he said. This caught me by surprise. "I'm glad you're okay to,I thought you'd be dead right now." Zoro fixed himself up and got it back together.

"I forgot to introduce you to my crew" Zoro said. That would be really helpful since I knew nobody's name. "The one with the straw hat is my captain, his name is Monkey D.Luffy."
"Then the orange haired lady is our navigator, her name is Nami." "The long nose guy is our sniper, his name is Usopp." "The small animal you see there is our ship's doctor, his name is Chopper." "Then there me, Zoro and I'm the ships swordsman." You checked to see if that was all of them but then you noticed the curly brow guy from earlier. "Wait, who's that guy right there" you pointed to the yellow haired guy. "Oh him.... He's our ships dumbass cook" Zoro said. "What's his name" you asked. "His name is curly brows" he said the last part loud enough for the blond guy to hear.

"Hey my name is not curly brows it's Sanji, moss head." Sanji said. "Honestly I didn't know Zoro had any friends outside of our crew" his captain says. "Same" "mhm mhm" the whole crew agreed except Zoro. "AND WHY IS THAT" Zoro said loud. "Because you're grumpy" Luffy says.


Whatever, I went somewhere away from the crew. Honestly I really had something on my mind though, I loved Y/N but I couldn't bring myself to say anything. I figured it was to soon. I mean this is our first time seeing each other in years.

As I began to find I spot to lay down in, someone else sat next to me. It was Y/N. "I find it cool how you've become the swordsman of someone's ship" she said calmly. "You think so low of me Y/N" I replied.

"What's the name of your sword" I asked her. "Oh it's name is, Kundai Itchitsu" She said with a little blush. She looked at my swords and stopped. "What's wrong?" I asked. "I see, you took her sword." She said while she looked at my white sword.

"Yea it's original owner was Kuina, I asked her father if I could have it." "Anyways enough about swords I'm tired" I yawned after I said that. Y/N agreed by nodding. She rested her head on my shoulder, I'll admit it I liked it.

I cant say it yet, it's too early

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