Chapter 322: Interstellar Commander (1)

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"The host is awesome! After this task is completed, all debts are paid off and you can start to deposit points! Now the system has opened new functions and has 10 million points. The host can choose to live in a high-level plane. , You do n’t have to reincarnate, you do n’t have to work hard anymore, you can enjoy everything! "

The system appeared in front of Su Yuyang, pleased to inform Su Yuyang, depending on the speed of the host to earn points for the task, it will not take long to complete this achievement?

It just notified the host immediately after receiving the notification.


Unexpectedly, Su Yuyang just gave a soft whisper, and there was no reaction in the systematic imagination.

"The host is too cold ..."

The system didn't dare to say anything loudly, only BB quietly.

Su Yuyang ignored it and chose to enter the mission world directly. If you want to save points, you really have to do more tasks.

"kill him!!"

Su Yuyang opened his eyes and was startled. In front of him were several men wearing silver-white tights, dragging a man who was already wounded, and was about to start.

And the person who gave the order happened to be him.

He glanced at the wounded man, who was looking at him with hate on his face.

I don't know what happened. Su Yuyang's heartbeat was fast. I always felt something was wrong.

"Forget it! Take him down for a few days and say it again!"

In any case, always have to figure out what is going on before you can start? Otherwise, he directly killed the person, and if something important is missed, he would not be finished?

Those who wore silver-white tights obviously listened to him. After he finished speaking, he didn't ask why, so he took the man down mechanically.

The wounded man still glared at him resentfully, and then passed out.

Su Yuyang looked around. It seemed to be his bedroom, with beds, sofas, and desks. The furnishings were quite simple, mainly silver and white, but there were many machines that he had never seen.

But he recognized the door. He walked over and tried to lock the door, but found that he couldn't find where the lock was.

"How do you close this door?"

"Master, do you want to lock the door to prevent outsiders from invading?"

A mechanized voice shocked Su Yuyang.

But he also reacted. It should be something like artificial intelligence. The technology in this world may be very advanced.

"Yes, no one can come in without my orders."

After receiving a positive response from the mechanical voice, Su Yuyang lay on the bed and began to accept the plot.

This world is indeed a world ahead of its future. It is about 800 years ahead of the world where Su Yuyang originally existed.

Humans still live on Earth, but they can already live in galaxies outside the solar system.

The galaxy where Su Yuyang is located is the Gamy galaxy. He is the commander of this galaxy. Similar to the existence of the supreme ruler, no one can contend with his orders, including his wife and children.

His wife is a very small planet in the galaxy, a princess on the thirteenth planet.

In order to obtain the refuge of the commander, Planet 13 sent him the princess of his own planet.

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