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Start from the beginning

His eyes lingered on hers for a second longer before bending down, and placing his lips onto hers. His hand reached up for her cheek, and her fingers trailed through his hair.

But, just like that it was over. And Stu was slowly backing out the glass door, following Billy's steps. "I love you."

"Then stay." She was almost inaudible, and any chance he had of repeating it was gone. He was gone.

And the sirens were roaming closer, and then a moan sounded from the foyer. Kim shot her head around, dashing through the living room hall and to the front door. "Randy!"

The boy was spitting up blood, rolled over to the side. "K- Kimmy." He sputtered as she picked up his head, placing it on her lap. "Oh, god. Randy. Just hold on, the cops'll be here soon." She cooed, running her fingers through his hair.

Randy shook his head, trying to sit up. "Billy. It's Billy." He warned, grabbing ahold of her waist protectively.

She sighed, thinking of what to say. "I know. He's gone, he got away."

Randy's eyes turned dull. "No."

"You want me to lie?"

"Sidney, you didn't see Stu the way I did. He didn't want this."

It was a week after. A week after their world had crumbled around them. Sidney just made it through surgery, and now they were awaiting the station to close the case.

Sidney's scared lip trembled. "He killed my mother." She mumbled, almost inaudible.

Kim didn't know what else to say. If Sidney turned him in now it was over. There would be no getting him back. And for some reason, in some impossible way, she needed him back.

"He didn't want too-"


Dewey's office door creaked open. "Girls," His voice was cracked and he had bandages around his head.

He promptly took a seat at his desk, feet away from the Sheriff's. "I need your statement." He reached into a drawer, pulling out notebook paper and a pencil from a cup.

The girls stared at each other, as if shooting daggers by though. Sidney spoke first. "It was Billy. He killed my mother, and then Casey and Steve."

Kim let out a breath she was unaware she'd been holding. Watching as Dewey scribbled onto his sheet of paper, she reached for Sidney's hand, who jerked away.

"And Stu? Do you know where he is?" He set his pencil down, rubbing his wound- which Kimmy still hadn't figured out where it came from- through his white T-Shirt.


Weeks had gone by. She'd hoped for a sign from the boys. Well, mostly the boy. But nothing ever came. Even a polaroid. Although she hated the idea of being watched, at least she'd know he was there. Waiting.

School still hadn't started yet, and the days felt longer. Dragged on and on. All she could do was wait. And trust. She'd racked her mind for weeks on anything else she could be doing. But, she had no ideas.

She could barely talk to Sidney either, because after Kim had convinced her to shut her mouth about Stu, she wasn't very happy with her. And to be honest, Kimmy wasn't very happy with herself either.

She felt awful. Like an awful friend. Stu did- if not- help kill Sidney's mother. Motive or not, that's fucked up in her book. But she couldn't help protect him. Like he protected her. Didn't he? Didn't he protect her? That's what she thought. That's what she was convinced of. And that's why she was so determined to keep his name out of the case.

But, considering he'd disappeared. . .with Billy. Things weren't looking to great for him. It doesn't take a genius to piece that together.

All she needed from him was a signal, a sign he was still around, still watching. Little did she know was her wish would be granted, sooner than she thought.

Popcorn popped on the stove, she was sitting on her counter, waiting for it to finish. Her mind was full of fast paced thoughts.

Her house was quiet, both parents were at work. Which was fascinating given her circumstances. But, once again, she was home alone.


The sound was sudden, and it made her jump. She hated that sound now. She slid herself off the counter, picking up the phone. "Hello?"

"I missed you, Kimmy."

A gasp escaped her lips. "Stu?" Her voice shook. "Love," He answered back, clicking the voice changer off.

"Stu!" The stove sizzled. "You have to tell me where you are-" She could hear his breath hitch.

"Kim, listen-"

"Stu, please-"

"Kimberly. I can't tell you. I shouldn't have even called. But I will come back for you, I promise. Just, wait for me."

The line went dead, causing tears to brim her eyes. Stu and his damn promises. At least she got the closure she'd asked for. Maybe he'd been listening.

She slammed the phone back onto the counter, her breath heaving. And then another sound rang through the house. Her body whipped around, grabbing a knife from the holder on the counter.

Tip-toeing her way through the main hall, she approached the foyer. And what she saw caused her to drop the knife, it making a clanking noise on the floor.

One final polaroid before he left. Only, this one's film hadn't showed yet, it was still forming. He was close.

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