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It was a beautiful kingdom filled with pleasant breeze and beautiful scenery. It is the kingdom of Kunti-Bhoja, a ruler of the kingdom Kunti. He is one of the prominent king of Bhoja-Yadavas clan. He is the rightful ruler who was loved by all the people.

Inside the Palace, A young maiden was praying to God sincerely. Her face held the calm and serene nature. Her lips were chanting mantras and she slowly opened her brown lotus eyes. Pritha, or Kunti was born to the Yadava chief Shurasena but was later adopted by childless Kunti-Bhoja after the chief gave his daughter to his brother generously. Kunti is a very beautiful, little bit cunning but an amazing girl. The Palace and the kingdom loved their princess for her Sweetness and polite behavior.

Kunti slowly stood up taking the sacred plate and moved towards the hut inside the royal gardens. Sage Durvasa, who was known for his anger and powers welcomed the girl with a smile but his smile dimmed when he realized her future. So in order to prevent her from the cruel fate, he called,"Child!"

Kunti looked above at the sage and bowed before him saying,"Yes Guruji (A spiritual name for sir!)

Sage Durvasa smiled at her gently saying,"Child, you've been very respectful and good to me for a past year. For that, I'm going to give you a boon. If your husband cannot able to give you a child, invoke this mantra! This will give you a baby. And child, be careful with this!!" Kunti was overjoyed and politely bowed before him again and learned the mantra carefully. After awhile, she left.

Currently she was sitting in the room, thinking about the mantra. She saw sun setting below creating an orange paint over the clear sky. Her heart skipped a beat seeing this wonderful scenery before her. And out of curiosity, she invoked her mantra thinking about the radiant and the most powerful Suryadeva.

The bright light filled her room and Lord Suryadeva slowly emerged inside. Kunti was gobsmacked. Before she could greet him, Lord Surya with his divine voice blessed her saying,

You, the daughter of Kunti-Bhoja will have my child who will be radiant as myself, powerful of all the humans and will be born with natural kundals and armors. He will be considered as one of the greatest human alive in his upcoming years. He will be called as Karna by all! God bless you!!

Kunti tried to make Suryadev understand that she is still unmarried and she invoked him by mistake but it only increased the frustration and anger of Lord Surya. He threatened saying that if she didn't accept the baby, he will burn the whole kingdom. Atlast Suryadev vanished and in his place, a child's cry was heard.

Kunti looked at the baby with wide soft eyes. The baby was more beautiful. He had natural kavach-kundals and his face was shining brightly. On knowing his mother's touch, the baby opened its eyes and The innocent eyes of the child broke Kunti's heart. Just because of all her childishness, her son is going to be called by names and....

Her thoughts were stopped when someone hesitantly touched her shoulder. The maid and her bestfriend Priyamavda, looked at her with shocked and pitiful eyes. Priyamavda looked at the baby and for a minute she awwed at the beauty of the child but soon she held herself. She will not allow any bad names to her princess friend. She hesitantly asked Kunti to abandon her son in the river. Kunti though opposed vehemently first, she agreed for the sake of her adoptive father and his reputation.

Both the young girls took chariot and went to the bank of river. Kunti just wished everything to be a very bad dream but no from the wetness of her finger, her son is sucking her thumb it is real.

Priyamavda distracted the charioteer while Kunti cryingly carried her son to the most beautiful basket she made the day before yesterday. She kept her son in the basket with her precious necklace and few gold, she sang one lullaby for the baby.

Baby Karna closed his eyes and slept peacefully hearing his mother's angelic voice with a small smile on his chubby face not knowing that he was being abandoned and he was currently floating in the Ganga River.

He shifted further more and opened his eyes only to see he was being floated. On seeing water, the child giggled. He looked curiously at the water splashing his legs and face, and this adorable giggles even made Mata Ganga calm her velocity of water just to glide the basket smoothly without any difficulty for the child.

Devi Ganga looked at the child giggling shrilly at her. If it had been other baby, they would've definitely cried but whom we are talking about. She softly touched the baby's head saying,

You're the most strongest baby, Karna! I bless you with all my heart that you have a happy life ahead inspite of lots of hardships you're going to face. Safe journey, dear!

Mata Ganga disappeared on seeing someone coming towards the lake. The basket glided towards the shore bouncing up and down with still a giggling baby.

Adirath, the head of charioteers in Hastinapur saw one basket floating but on seeing the child in it, he jumped and picked the basket carefully and reached the floor. He took the child out whose eyes began to droop. He saw the natural armors and earrings he had and awwed. He turned to look to see if someone coming but no nobody was there. His eyes brimmed with happy tears and he thanked Gangadevi for this child rushing home to make his wife Radha to say that they are now having a child.. not an ordinary child but an extraordinary child gifted by God!

Radha, the most sweet and loving person looked at the baby with tear-soaked cheeks. How can a mother abandon this baby like that? How can they leave this angel like that? The purest soul is in the form of child was sleeping in her arms peacefully after drinking milk obediently without an fuss. Among the baby she had saw and lifted, Karna is the only baby who didn't even flinch a bit. Eventhough, the new moon shine outside, the little home of Radha and Adhirath still had radiant sun in their arms cooing at the cuteness..

In the kingdom of Kunti, Princess Pritha was sitting on the floor looking at the candles which was emitting flame just like her child's face. Tears were flowing non-stop not knowing what happened to her child? How he has been? She closed her eyes muttering,

Wherever you are, Sleep well, my sunshine!!

In the Hastinapur, Radha laid the little one in the crib muttering,

Sleep well, my angel!

And Suryaputra Karn slept well somewhat hearing both the mothers's voice in his head. The son of Surya was taking rest to wake up bright and early tomorrow....
Hey all! So, this is my first story based on Mahabharat. And I really don't know whether Kunti had Karna for nine months in her womb or he magically appeared...but this is my imagination and this is my story line...there will be more imaginary scenes and romance...

So, did you enjoy this chapter?? If so drop your precious votes and comments here...Will update next chapter after 25 votes...

See you soon. Have a nice day💜
Best wishes,
From Author Shruti💜

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