Chapter 1

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"Honey I'm home!" Mitchel yells as he walks through the front door of their house. "Shut up Mitty." Clinton says quietly, obviously hungover from a night of celebrating the end of their tour. 

The Phases tour had ended the night before and Christian, Mitchel and Clinton just arrived home. 

"Mitty!" Lillian exclaims, running to the door and jumping into Mittys arms. 

Mitty laughs and hugs his little sister. "I missed you." Lillian whispers, hugging him tighter. "We missed you too Lil." Clinton scoffs. 'What? No love for your favorite older brother?" He rolls his eyes. Lillian jumps down and gives Clinton a hug. "Okay my turn." Christian opens his arms and walks towards Lillian. She smiles and gives him a tight hug. 

"How was tour?" She asks as she pulls away from Christian. 

"Long." Clinton said. "Everyone was posting you guys on tiktok." Lillian smiles.

"I'm sorry we didn't talk to you as much as usual..but with shows back to back and partying after shows, it was hard to keep up." Mitty explains. "Its okay, I managed without you guys."Lillian giggles. 

"Hey, Mitchel can we talk? Just us three?" Christian asks, eyeing Clinton and Mitty. "Yeah sure. We can step outside." Mitty opens the door and the three boys walk outside. 

"Hey babe." Ellis, Lillians boyfriend, walks down the stairs, scratching his head. "Hey. The boys just got home. Sorry if we woke you." She smiles. "Guess that means I have to go home right?" Ellis rolls his eyes. 

"I mean I would like to have some alone time with them..." Lillian mumbles, playing with her hands. "Whatever." Ellis scoffs and goes back upstairs to get his things. 

"Tell me you're seeing what I'm seeing." Christian says, raising his eyebrows. 

"We all are." Clinton nods. "Its getting worse. I knew we should have taken her with us on tour..." Mitty sighs. 

"We didn't know it was going to get this bad..." Christian reassures Mitchel and pats him on the back. 

"Look, Ellis..." Lillian follows him up the stairs. "I just wanna spend time with my brothers and Kras." She explains. "No. I don't wanna hear it. You just wanna get rid of me so you can fuck Christian." He scoffs. "That's not true at all!" Lillian retorts, folding her arms. 

"Right." Ellis laughs lightly. "Fucking whore." He shoves past her and walks down the stairs. 

"Ellis I promise ill call you tomorrow...just give me some time with the guys." Lillian pleads. "Yeah whatever." He looks away. Lillian rests her hand on his arm. "Ellis I love you. You know that." Ellis glares down at her and narrows his eyes. "Don't touch me." He rolls his shoulder so her hand falls off his arm. 

"I'll be expecting a call from you tomorrow." He says and walks out the front door, slamming it closed. 

Lillian sighed and sat on the couch as she waited for the guys to come back inside. 

"Hey, Ellis. Do me a favor and don't be coming around for a few days." Mitty calls to Ellis who just flips him off and walks to his car. 

The boys roll their eyes and walk back inside. 

Lillian brightens up when the boys get back inside and she stands up off the couch. They all stare at her. 'What?" She laughs nervously. 

"Did you think we wouldn't notice, love?" Christian asks. "Notice what?" She asks, furrowing her brows. The boys trail their eyes to her thighs, her wrists and her collarbone. 

"Oh...yeah its nothing seriously. Car accident. No big deal." She lies and rubs her neck. 

"You're lying out your ass right now." Mitty mutters and sits on the couch, kicking his feet up. "Tell us the truth." Clinton says, leaning against the back of the couch. 

Lillian looks around at the boys and shrugs. "Seriously its fine. He loves me. Accidents happen." She explains. "Accidents aren't hand prints bruised into your skin." Christian rolls his eyes and walks to the kitchen. 

"Guys please just leave it be. Hes already mad I made him leave...don't make it worse for me." She pleads. 

"I don't know why you don't go to the police already." Mitty says, standing up and walking into the kitchen also. "We just worry about you, Lilli." Clinton says. 

"I know and I appreciate it but I just...need to handle this on my own. I don't want him getting even more mad at me okay? He scares me  enough as it is." She walks to the fridge and takes out a bottle of water. 

"Real talk...wheres all the food?" Mitty asks, looking in the cupboards. 

"Ellis wouldn't let me go out and go grocery shopping so he ordered food every night...if he was here." Lillian explains. 

The boys all stare at her dumbfounded. "You're joking right?" Clinton asks. "No? Does it look like I'm joking? He thinks I'm going to talk to other guys while 'm out so he never let me go shopping...or leave the house for that matter." She folds her arms and looks at the ground. 

"I'm gonna kill him." Mitty says, straight faced. 

"Please don't tell him I told you all this. Please. Just give me some time to talk to him and get back on his good side." She begs.

"Fine. But were not leaving you alone. One of us is always going to be here." Mitty says, pointing at himself and the boys, to which Lillian nods. "Thank you. So tell me about tour!" 

A/N: Hi everyone! I know this first chapter is short and boring but I promise the story will get better! Please stick with me and add to your libraries! 

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