(not) first goodbye

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All family members gradually dispersed to the rooms, the house became quiet and dark. Only in Patrick's room was a candle burning. He and Zhou Keyu didn't sleep.

– Are you worried? – Keyu asked in a whisper. There was little room for the two of them in the bed, so Patrick literally lay on Zhou Keyu, hugging him tightly with his arms and burying his nose in his neck. In this position, Prince could feel how fast Yin Haoyu's heart was beating, which meant that he was alarmed.

– Yes. – Patrick answered in the same whisper. – Soon everything will change. – he raised himself up and hovered over Keyu to see his face. – Sometimes I get scared... When I think your Father will find us.

– He won't be looking for me all his life, PaiPai. – Zhou Keyu said softly. – And he'll hardly ever go to outside the capital, he's too busy with other more important things.

– He can send servants or guards. – Patrick said, looking at him worriedly.

– Yes, he can and he will. – Zhou Keyu nodded, not denying Yin Haoyu's words. – But they're very easy to bribe. Give them a couple of gold coins and they'll say they haven't seen anyone and don't even know about my existence.

Patrick sighed and rested his head on Keyu's chest. It was noticeable he was still plagued by doubts.

– Do you really think I'm going to make a good teacher? – Keyu asked, to distract Patrick from his heavy thoughts.

– I really think so. – Yin Haoyu responded by turning and finally placing his hands and chin on Keyu's chest to see him. – You have studied many sciences and achieved excellent results. I'm sure you could teach several subjects at once. – he smiled and gently stroked Zhou Keyu's cheek. – But first, it's worth starting with one. Don't take too much upon yourself, okay?

– If my beloved insists so... – Zhou Keyu teased him.

– I'm serious. – Patrick snorted. – You've had a completely different life before. I'm worried you might not be able to handle the new one if you'll too demand of yourself.

– I can handle. – Zhou Keyu said as seriously as he could. – After all, I have someone who looks after me. You're going to take care of me, right?

– Who but me can tolerate such a child? – Patrick teased him.

– You didn't think of me as a child when you offer yourself to me. – Zhou Keyu teased him back.

– Ah!! You... – Patrick didn't find what to answer and embarrassedly buried his face in Keyu's chest. – Why are you always so... – he grumbled without finishing

– So..? – Zhou Keyu laughed and ruffled Patrick's hair, wanting to hear more.

– So insufferable! – Yin Haoyu answered, the tips of his ears flushed.

– But you love me anyway. – Keyu hugged Patrick around the waist and pulled him higher so that he could kiss him.

His lips pressed demandingly against Patrick's, and his tongue slid gently into the enveloping warmth of his mouth. Yin Haoyu flinched excitedly but didn't pull away, allowing Zhou Keyu to take control of the situation. His fingers ran over Keyu's chest and froze on his shoulders, gripping the fabric of his pajamas.

– Just relax baobei. – Zhou Keyu whispered softly. – It's just a kiss, your parents won't know anything.

Patrick exhaled into his lips and pouted like a child, making Keyu smile.

– I really hate the way you influence me. – he said as Zhou Keyu gently pecked his chin.

– Why? – Prince asked playfully. – I'm not complaining when you command me.

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