In April, the weather is so beautiful that the scenery by the river is not so beautiful.

Xu Baoru sat in the back, holding Shen Du in her arms, with her feet hanging in the air. The wind blew, and she could smell the faint washing powder on Shen Du's clothes.

She couldn't help holding Shen Du tighter. She put her face against his back, closed her eyes, the wind blew across her cheeks, and the corners of her lips bent and said, "Shen Du, I'm so happy."

Shen Du hooked his lips and smiled.

He is not unhappy. He thought he was happier to have Xu Baoru.

Xu Baoru sat in the back with the wind shaking her legs. She was bored, pillowed her chin on Shen Du's shoulder and asked him, "Shen Du, where shall we go on May Day?"

Shen Du said, "Where do you want to go?"

"I don't know, that's why I asked you."

Shen Du asked, "Want to go out?"

Xu Baoru said, "I want to, but I don't want to. I'm afraid that there are too many people traveling on May Day to have a good time."

"Then find a place to spend a holiday in City B? Or you can go home."

Xu Bao rested on Shen Du's shoulder and pouted, "I'll think about it again."

Xu Baoru was still wondering whether to go out to play on May Day. Who knew that there was something unexpected. Two days before May Day, she ran on a whim to play skateboarding. Unexpectedly, she was so unlucky that she accidentally twisted her ankle.

Originally, she thought it was just a sprain and didn't care about it. As a result, when she went back to class, it hurt more and more. Feng Zhen and Lin Shu accompanied her to the infirmary for examination. As a result, the infirmary teacher checked it and said that it seemed to have hurt bones and asked her to go to the hospital for photos.

Xu Baoru was stunned because she thought that she was just sprained.

Feng Zhen immediately asked her to call Shen Du. She didn't dare to say anything for fear that Shen Du would scold her. She thought it might not be that serious. Fortunately, she went to the hospital for a scan. The bone was fine, but the sprain was serious. She had to stay in bed.

She was examined in the hospital at that time, and the doctor applied medicine. She sat in the corridor with so much pain that she didn't dare walk.

Feng Zhen said, "I think you'd better call your Shen Du earlier and explain honestly. Can you hide it from him like this? Sooner or later, you have to explain."

Xu Baoru was wronged and thought that if Shen Du scolded her, she would cry to show him. She was in love with death. Shen Du was not allowed to scold her.

She took out her mobile phone to call Shen Du. Pitiful, she asked, "Shen Du, where are you?"

Shen Du was talking to several friends outside the coffee shop at that time. Hearing that something was wrong with Xu Baoru's voice, he immediately asked, "What's wrong?"

He picked up his mobile phone and went outside.

Xu Baoru didn't dare to say that she ran to play skateboard and twisted her ankle, so she asked guiltyly, "Are you busy?"

Shen Du took his mobile phone to the outside of the coffee shop and said, "I'm not busy. What's wrong?"

Xu Baoru said, "Then can you pick me up? I'm in the hospital."

Hearing that Xu Baoru was in the hospital, Shen Du was so anxious that he went back to say goodbye to his friends. He took the car key and left immediately.

His friend also wanted to ask him what had happened, but Shen Du had disappeared before he could speak.

Xu Baoru called Shen Du and thought he would not come until later. Who knew that he would arrive in ten minutes.

When she saw Shen Du coming towards her with a cold face, she felt guilty. As soon as Shen Du approached, she said first, "You can't scold me. I hurt so much. If you still scold me, I'll cry to show you."

Shen Du originally wanted to say something about Xu Baoru, but when he saw that Xu Baoru was clearly guilty and didn't allow him to say what she looked like, he didn't know whether to be angry or smile. He squatted down, gently touched her swollen ankle, frowned and asked, "Does it hurt?"

"It hurts." Xu Baoru looked at Shen Du pitifully and said, "So don't talk about me. I know I'm wrong. I'm sure I won't skateboard next time."

Xu Baoru rarely admitted her mistake so well. Shen Du looked up at her and wanted to say a few words to her. Seeing that Xu Baoru looked at him pitifully, he couldn't say anything, so he had to ask, "Have you seen the doctor? How to say? Is it serious? Were you prescribed any medicine?"

Feng Zhen gave Shen Du the medicine list prescribed by the doctor and said, "This is the medicine prescribed by the doctor. Some are taken internally to reduce inflammation and some are rubbed externally. The doctor said that the sprain was a little serious. It's better to stay in bed and rest during this period, and don't walk around casually."

Shen Du frowned, took the list and looked at it. Then he said to Xu Baoru, "Sit here and I'll get you medicine."

Xu Baoru nodded and sat obediently.

Shen Du went to get Xu Baoru medicine and asked the doctor about it again. Write down how to use the medicine, review it every few days, and then go back to pick up Xu Baoru.

He handed the medicine in his hand to Xu Baoru, then squatted down. Xu Baoru obediently carried the medicine and lay on Shen Du's back.

Shen Du came out of the hospital with her behind his back.

He drove and sent Xu Baoru's two roommates back to school before taking Xu Baoru home.

On the way home, Xu Baoru was still very sorry and said, "Then I can't go anywhere on May Day."

Shen Du glanced sideways at her, "Where else do you want to go? Stay at home well."

Xu Baoru looked at Shen Du and said, "Then you accompany me."

Shen Du glanced at her and said, "Otherwise? Can I leave you at home?"

Xu Baoru smiled. She leaned over, kissed Shen Du's face and said, "Shen Du, you're so kind."

Shen Du said, "Don't come on. Anyway, you are not allowed to touch skateboarding in the future."

Xu Baoru pouted, "I know."

She didn't want to touch it in the first place. That thing doesn't listen to her at all. It's not funny at all.

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