Beautiful (Shinsoukoku)

Start from the beginning

'Kiss me.'

  Akutagawa had no problem with these, but.. they didn't feel like Atsushi really wanted it. More like he wanted to prove something to himself if Akutagawa did so.

  Akutagawa had a plan. At night, around the same time, he always felt Atsushi leave. What for? Who knew... Well, Akutagawa was going to find out.

  So that night, when the two had fallen  asleep cuddling as usual, Akutagawa kept himself alert. Normally he let his guard down around Atsushi, and only Atsushi. He felt the other move and opened his eyes to find he's gone. The bathroom light turned on. Akutagawa frowns and stands up, walking to the bathroom to find Atsushi in front of a body mirror. He's pulling his shirt back behind him so it's right around his body. He turns and twists a few times, and his eyes look so sad. "Jinko." He speaks up as the other lifted a pointer finger to his mouth. Atsushi froze, looking over to him. He was about to stick it down his throat...

  Akutagawa's eyes darkened slightly. "Ah.. sorry. I didn't mean to wake you." Atsushi began to fidget. "Uhm- let's go back to bed.."

  "No." Akutagawa advances towards him and brings his hands to the others hips. "..not until I get to the bottom of this. I hate seeing you sad. It sickens me. Where's that stupid light in your eyes that always annoys me?" He lifts the others chin with one hand, the other remaining on his waist.

  "Come." Akutagawa drags Atsushi back to the bedroom and in front of a body mirror in said room. "Now, what's the issue?"

  "I'm fat." Atsushi finally says.

  Akutagawa says nothing for a moment. "You're anything but fat." He scoffed. "You're fluffy, is what you are." Atsushi- had gained weight. But that's because he started to eat healthily, so his body was now it's natural shape. Slightly chubby. Most of the food went to his hips, thighs and cheeks. And Akutagawa? He absolutely loved it. "It's a good thing you gained a few pounds." His hands went to his hips and squeezed. Atsushi squeaked quietly.

  "'re always so touchy." He murmured softly.

  "And you're always so touch-able. Fight me." Akutagawa's voice is smooth, a sort of cooing tone. He stands behind Atsushi and makes them face the mirror. "See that...? That's you." He begins softly, a hand traveling down to his thigh. "You're perfect. In every single way." He squeezes, and earns a soft gasp from Atsushi. "That felt nice, didn't it?" He squeezes again. "See? A positive. More squishy thighs for me.. more feeling good for you." Akutagawa kissed the others cheek.

  Atsushi sighed softly. "Just because there are good thing about it doesn't make me- healthy..." He whimpered quietly. Akutagawa kissed his cheek again.

"Quit talking nonsense. You were only ever a whole stick because you were starved in he orphanage and never bothered to fix your eating habits. Now that you have, your body is it's natural shape. And there's nothing wrong with that. In fact, I find you quite cute." The raven haired male spoke, matter-of-fact-ly.

"..even if it's natural... I should lose weight..." Atsushi murmured, more to himself than his boyfriend.

"Don't even think about it." Akutagawa huffed. While he always loves Atsushi's cuddles and hugs, they were 800% better now with the extra fluff and squish. "And.. don't ever throw up the food you eat." Akutagawa murmured quietly, feeling like watching Atsushi about to do just that really- really scared him. "You could develop an eating disorder this way. I don't want that for you..."

Atsushi sighed softly. "I know.. I'm sorry. It's just that... Dazai-San pointed out how I was gaining weight at work.. that I needed to stop eating so much - in front of everyone at work."

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