Chapter 3: Second Encounter

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I wake up the next morning slightly in a panic, before realizing my meeting with Mukuro is at 3:00 pm, while it is currently 10:00 am. I sigh, flopping back on my covers. Today is Sunday, which means I have work tomorrow, but I suppose for today I should enjoy the freedom. I glance at my calendar, noticing the date is December 20th.

I lazily stretch out on my bed, not particularly wanting to get up. But that thought is quickly overruled by my hunger, and I sit up on the edge of my bed, suppressing a yawn. I pull on a pair of jeans and a shirt with butterfly print on it and head downstairs.

Komaru and Toko aren't up yet, which means they're probably cuddling in their room or something equally lovey-dovey like that. I end up sitting down with a piece of toast and turning on the TV.

I decide to watch an anime about some nice kids in an orphanage, but I end up not watching past the first episode when I realize that it is not, in fact, a cute show about some kids in an orphanage, but a horror series. I end up curled up on the sofa reading a book.

The book is one of Toko's, as she had insisted that we have several of her books around the house since it's 'the superior form of literature'. I spend a couple of hours reading, and Komaru and Toko come down for lunch at some point.

I spent the next two and a half hours watching anime with Komaru and Toko. At around 2:30, I decided to start getting ready. "I'm going to go get ready," I say to them, "I'm meeting someone." Komaru winks at me, "Ooh, are you going on a date?" She then promptly turns to Toko and whispers in her ear, "She's going on a date." I laugh at them and walk up the stairs.

I decide to change into a long-sleeved black shirt and tie up my hair into a bun. I head downstairs, seeing that it is now 2:40. I slip on my knee-high boots and winter coat, grab my keys, and head out the door; but not before shouting a quick goodbye to my housemates.

It takes me only five minutes to arrive at the café, so I'm a bit early. Aoi greets me at the counter, and after some consideration, I order a white chocolate chip and macadamia nut cookie and a cup of matcha tea and sit down. I glance at the clock as I sit down with my order, noticing it's 2:56. Mukuro should be here sometime soon. I take a sip of my tea as I wait for her to arrive.

When she finally walks through the door, I sit straight up and watch as she orders a drink. She sits down next to me, and I feel the butterflies in my chest calm a bit as I watch her peacefully take a sip from her cup. "Hey, Mukuro," I say, hoping I don't sound too nervous.

She smiles back at me, "Hey. You look nice." I feel a red tint take to my face as I process her compliment, and I take a bite of my cookie to disguise it. "So do you," I say, and take notice of the outfit she's wearing, which is all black, matching her hair. I suddenly felt the urge to reach out and touch it, and subconsciously gripped my cup harder.

"So... How are Fukawa and her girlfriend?" Mukuro finally asks, breaking the awkward silence that had settled over our little spot in the café. "Oh, they're doing well," I say, remembering what Komaru and I had talked about last night.

"So, uh- are you- do you like... girls?" I ask, trying not to trip over my words, and cringe over what a massive fail that was. Mukuro smiles, "Yeah, I'm a lesbian." A small smile crosses my face, and I try to stay cool, "Oh, really? Me too. Bisexual, I mean. What a coincidence." I'm pretty sure my voice cracked on that first sentence. Oh well.

She laughs a bit, taking another sip of her drink, and I do the same. "So, how did your interview go?" I ask, remembering the text she had sent me yesterday, saying she had to go to an interview. She smiles happily, "Oh, I got the job! Tomorrow is my first day."

"Where are you working?" I ask.

"Well, I'm now a secretary for the CEO of the Togami Corporation," she says. I think back for a second, trying to remember the name, "Togami... Didn't we go to school with a Togami?" Mukuro nods, "Yes, if I remember correctly. I think he might be the CEO, actually."

"Hey, just wondering," Mukuro starts, changing the subject, "When is your birthday?"

"July 7th. I'm 27 right now," I reply. "Cool," she says, "I'll be 27 on the 24th." I almost drop my cup in surprise, "Really? You should've told me sooner! I'll have to get you something."

She smiles, taking another sip of her drink, "It's ok. That's not needed."

I put on a serious face, "Nope! I insist."

She chuckles, "Ok, then," she says, "Nothing too big, though."

I smile, taking a sip of my matcha and letting myself take in her beautiful face. She almost seems to have a heavenly aura around her, and it makes her seem like an angel to me.

We spend the next couple of hours just sitting together, discussing trivial things, like the weather, or the taste of our teas, or our favorite songs. It feels nice just to sit with her, to stare into her eyes and be enveloped by her presence.

She seems to take up every bit of my attention, like she's the only thing in the room. Her eyes seem to sparkle, illuminated by the lights strewn above us and the sunlight from a nearby window. Her laughter is ethereal and her smile is infectious. I find myself wishing I could lean in and kiss her, or embrace her in my arms, and I blush madly, attempting to hide my face with a sip of tea.

Mukuro suddenly checks her wristwatch, noting the time. "Ah, I need to go, Sayaka," she says with a smile, "This was fun. Meet again sometime?" I nod, watching her take her cup up to the front counter. She comes back after a second, and takes my hand in hers, placing a soft kiss on it.

My face flushes red, and she winks at me, before walking out of the cafe. The moment she's gone, Aoi calls over to me, "Wow, Sayaka, didn't know that girl was such a flirt. She used to be so stoic and quiet in school."

I absentmindedly nod along to what she said, my eyes still on the door, as if I was subconsciously hoping Mukuro would come back in to give me another kiss. I drain my cup with a smile. I swear, I am head over heels in love with this girl...

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