You took away my eye

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Don't worry...

Everything is going to be okay.

No matter what happens...

Promise me that we'll always be there for each other.

Promise me...

9:45 AM, November 21, 2002

Sunny: hey Basil I just got out of the hospital

Basil: that's great! hope you're feeling better...

Sunny: yup. I'll be back at school this afternoon. see you there

So soon...?

Basil could not help feeling ambivalent. He hesitated to type a reply to Sunny's message.

No matter what he said, he just kept failing to protect Sunny. Underneath his smile, his self worth was crumbling.

He blamed himself for Sunny getting hurt. If he'd just followed Sunny down that hall, if he'd just been there to be a second target for those bullies, maybe Sunny wouldn't have needed to go to the hospital. Why didn't he see that Wayne would be out for blood the moment he received the chance? Why did his mistakes keep getting Sunny hurt? With all those warning signs, with how obviously Marie's blackmail plan would backfire—he had still failed to protect Sunny from bloody, painful vengeance.

Every time I try to protect Sunny, I only end up making things worse.

Basil couldn't avoid the feeling—

I'm simply a nuisance to Sunny.

Stabbing out Sunny's eye. Getting Sunny's nose bloodied and broken. Hanging his sister's body.

Yet Hero and Kel and Aubrey forgave him instead of Sunny.

Basil's thoughts had been a turbulent mess ever since Sunny got sent to the hospital. Nothing made sense; the only thing that he could perceive clearly was how he was the villain at the center of it all. If he had never existed, Sunny's life would've been so much better.

If he had never bought Sunny his new violin.

If he had never walked into that room that day and saw who lay at the bottom of the stairs.

If he had never entered Sunny's life.

He had singlehandledy walked into Sunny's beautiful, picturesque life and smashed the faces of each and every person whom Sunny cared about with a sledgehammer. With all of Sunny's friends and family lying on the floor, bleeding, he'd then raised his hammer to gouge out Sunny's eye with the handle of the stick. To finish this massacre, he raised the hammer one more time and shattered Sunny's nose.

I'm the worst person Sunny has ever met.

I just...don't want to bother him anymore.

His fingers still shaking, Basil raised his cell phone and typed a message. Shutting his eyes tight, Basil hit "send."


Look at all of us...

These are all of our memories together.

They're a little sad now...

But we should be happy that they happened at all.

Let's make some new memories together, okay?

12:38 PM, November 21, 2002

Over the past week, Basil hadn't seen Marie around at school.

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