Chapter Four | Letters from No One

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[Back at the Dursleys'. Petunia and a bundled-up Dudley come in.]

Petunia: [assuring a distressed Dudley] It's all right, sweetheart. It's all right.

[They walk into the living room. Harry and Vernon enter. Vernon slams the door and shoves Harry against a wall, taking his hair.]

Harry: Ow!

"Get your hands off my son," yelled James.

"I swear if he hurts you I'll make sure my sister feels the same pain," said Lily.

"Mom it's okay he didn't hurt me," said Harry trying to calm down his mom.

Vernon: What happened?!

Harry: I swear I don't know! [Vernon snarls] One minute, the glass was there and then it was gone! It was like magic!

"Then what the fuck are we chop liver," said Nadia rolling her eyes.

"Please stop love you already got your revenge for me," said Harry trying to calm down his fiancee.

[Vernon scoffs at this, shoves Harry in the cupboard under the stairs, and slams the door]

Vernon: There's no such thing as magic!

''Yes, there is," yelled everyone while Harry laughed and shook his head at his family and friends.

[He blackens out the vent on the door]

"He has gone crazy is he alright," said Molly looking concerned for the man. While Nadia looked at her like she was crazy then turned and looked at Ginny and pointed at Molly and mouth to Ginny this bitch.

[An owl flies into view and lands itself on a TV aerial on one of the houses' roof]

[The camera slowly pans up to reveal Dudley in his smartest school uniform, posing and smiling grandly.]

Petunia: Awww, smile. [She takes a photograph of him. She gasps in joy.] Vernon, just look at him. I can't believe it. In just a week you'll be off to Smeltings.

"Omg, he looks stupid he's like a big hippo," laughed Ginny.

"Ginny," yelled Molly at her daughter shaking her head at Ginny only for Ginny to roll her eyes at her mother.

"Shut up mother," said Ginny which causes Molly to gasp and look at Arthur who was smiling softly at his little girl.

Vernon: Caveat Smeltona. Proudest moment of my life.

Harry: Will I have to wear that, too?

[They draw their attention to Harry]

Petunia: What, you? Go to Smeltings? [Harry nods, questionably]

Vernon: Ha!

''Why is he laughing you would look like a joke if you went," said Nadia scoffing at the screen.

"Yea plus you would go to Hogwarts son just like me and your mother,'' said James looking at his son.

[They laugh in amusement]

Petunia: Oh, don't be so stupid, you're going to the state school where you belong. [Goes to the kitchen and fishes out a grey shirt in a boiler.] And this is what you're gonna be wearing when I've finished dyeing it.

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