2- dazed, drugs & Disappointments

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I wake up on the cold floor of my bathroom, Theres a blanket across the floor and a pillow by my feet. how the fuck did I get here?

I slowly start getting up and as I do I instantly regret it. My head imeadiatly goes to the toilet and I start puking. taking some toilet paper and wiping my mouth and flushing the toilet, I lie back down on the ground.

I saw fucking Falcone last night. ugh why couldn't he have been ugly. because he is certainly not that. I know I was very intoxicated and could hardly see but Jesus Christ when I saw him I instantly sobered up. Holy mother of god he's hot. too bad I hate him.

My door to the bathroom opens and my Maid Alice is standing there with 2 aspirins and a glass of water, god I love her.

" morning sweetie, here." she passes the the water and aspirin. I swallow the pills dry and then take a sip out of the refreshing water that instantly soothes over my throat.

"I have strict orders to get you dressed and to tell you to meet your parents at the dinning room table in 15minutes." Alice says, grabbing my arm and helping me up.

"good thing I don't listen to them." I scoff and turn on the shower.

"seriously, this seems serious, they are all down there waiting for you." Alice says, closing my bathroom door.

like I give a fuck, I take extra long in the shower and take up time by singing to songs and deciding to do a full body shave.

I hop out the shower and go to get dressed, seeing as Alice already laid out a 'perfect, pretty and smart' white sundress, I roll my eyes and go to my closet. I take out a short black skirt that hardly covers anything and a Red top that seems to pass awfully a lot like a bra. I grab my big black leather jacket with the words 'suck my dick' stitched onto the back of the jacket and throw it on with my knee high platform heels.

I sit down and put on some eyeliner, masala and brush through my dark brown hair that trails down to right above my boobs.

I quickly take a few hits of a joint I had from last night and apply some red tinted lipgloss, I walk out my bedroom and start strolling downstairs towards my amazing family.

hint the sarcasm.

"hey bruce." I smile at our chef and I take a piece of bacon off the plate and stroll into the dinning room, my dad is at the head of the table, my brother next to him and my mother at the other head of the table on the other side. I take a seat in the  middle of the table, the opposite side from my brother.

"you are late." my father says. I roll my eyes.

"time is a man-made construct father."

he sighs and looks at my mother.

"what is so important." I take another piece of bacon off one of the plates in middle of the table.

"You are out of control Verena." my mother says.

"out of control, a bitch, rebellious, ungovernable, unmanageable, delinquent, a juvenile-

"enough!" my father, Clint, Shouts and bangs a hand on the table. I flinch and go quiet.

"You are going away for a while. We have all agreed on it and you will be attending Woodhill Academy." My father settles down.

I start laughing uncontrollably, "you're not being serious." I choke out in-between my laughter.

no one else in laughing, my fathers fists are balled up, my mother is looking at me with a stern non negotiable look and my bother is finding his breakfast suddenly very interesting.

I stop laughing. "im going to the school of delinquents?" I start to realise what's happening.

It's actually not that bad if you think about it, away from my family, away from media, probably could get up to a lot more shit and not get in trouble than here. After all Woodhill is for the richest and finest delinquents. Only downside if I know Falcone goes there, he was sent away 3 years ago and I've never seen him since, well I saw him last night but that doesn't really count when you are trying to argue your way out of a jail cell.

"its what's best for you, you leave tonight." my mother says sternly.

I chuckle, "okay whatever, as long as im farrrrr away from you people."

Woodhill is a 4/5 hour plane ride from here so I'm glad that I'll only see my family once or twice a year from now on.

I get up and take one more piece of bacon and stuff it into my mouth. I walk out the room and shout back to them "better start packing then I guess."


It's been an hour and I honestly am so over packing I couldn't care less.

I grab my jacket from earlier and throw it on over my shoulders, heading downstairs and straight towards the door. I feel like getting high, plus I need extra to take with me to goodie school.

I make it to the garage unseen by anyone, thank god. I walk over towards the back wall of the garage where all the keys are hanging up. I stop and stare at them, hands on my hips.

"Mmmmm..." I mumble to myself.

I reach cowards and grab the keys for the Bugatti Chiron super sport. I feel like going fast.

I walk over and hop into the driving seat on the car and the engine and rumble of the car beneath me sends a shiver running up my spine.

Already halfway out of my driveway I tap play on my phone and the song Formula by Labrinth starts to play. As I enter into the main road i start to accelerate and speed down the road and onto the highway.

I lean back in my seat and go as fast as I can, opening my window and feeling the wind against my skin, the cold stinging against it. The music blaring in my ears. I feel... free? I feel... alive yet completely and utterly dead inside. I feel numb, but happy at the same time.

I pull into the large abandoned building and i immediately recognise the blacked out Ferrari parked next to the building.

I switch off the engine and smile to myself. I grab my purse and my phone and hop out the car, heading towards the large blue steel door.

Knocking 3 times and while I'm waiting I grab a cigarette and light it up between my red lips. soon enough the slab on the door opens up and I'm met with a pair of eyes staring at me, I smirk and the slab slams shut again, the door swings open. "Welcome back phoenix." The big scary man says.

"Thanks Steve. He in the back?" I take the cigarette out of my mouth and drop it to the ground, grinding on it with my shoe.

Steve nods and gestures a hand inside. I take a step inside and walk down the pond dark and cold hallway towards the back room. A few of the men turn their heads to look at me but they all know of me. And they don't wanna fuck with me.

I enter the back room and close the door shut, the room is an office. I see exactly who I'm looking for, his head snaps up from the desk and his eyes hook with mine, he smiles and leans back into his chair.

"Soooo problem..." I walk over and sit infront of the desk.

"What did you do?" Nate asks lifting his legs onto the desk and putting his Hands rest behind his head.

"I may have pushed the rents too far and now I'm being sent off to boarding school for delinquents. Woodhill academy." Nate bursts into laughter, he bangs his hand against the desk and tries to gather himself together. "Yeah yeah whatever. I leave tomorrow so I'm gonna also need refills." I wave him off.

He stops laughing and shakes his head. "All right." He reached down and grabs packets out of his draw and passes them off to me.

"See you soon natey." I grab the refill pill bottles and head towards the door.

"Give them hell at Woodhill Vee. See you soon darling." Nate winks at me.

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