ability info.

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    amongthyfears is a kind of mind break ability were she opens her eyes,,  ,,   makes eye contact with her  to see their deepest

   fear,,  ,,   and then either recreate the atmosphere and can manifest a few clones of the terror creatures she had saw-   or she can mirror it and can change her appearance to fit the terrors physical description.   if used for too long it wears her down and takes away most of her energy,,  ,, 

   it can also cause headaches and random nose bleeds   .    however if you harm one of the manifested allusions it harms the

   ability user greatly and causes them to gain any injury the terror does -   if harmed enough her ability will deactivate on its own    . 

   after activated a light mocha like fog fills the atmosphere  .    showing the ability had been fully activated  .   

      /   if ive forgotten anything I will most likely add it later,,   I also such at explaining things so sorry if it doesn't make sense -    qwq  

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