028. "oh my god, who is she?" i get drunk on jealousy

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( "oh my god, who is she?"
i get drunk on jealousy ! )

CHAPTER TWENTY-EIGHT ( "oh my god, who is she?" i get drunk on jealousy ! )

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"JASPER CAN'T KEEP THE KID," AURORA SAID TO CHARLOTTE and henry as they walked into henry's house. on their way from school, jasper had found a random kid by himself and he insisted on keeping him. he thinks he should be allowed to keep him since no one has claimed the kid.

"well then you tell him," charlotte mentioned.

"i did, like a hundred times," aurora sat her backpack down. "hen, you tell him."



"seeee? yeah!" jasper walked in holding the hand of the kid he found, "look! this is a house. uh, can you say "house?" hooouuussse."

"house," the little kid repeated.

"what's so hard about saying house. i mean "house". ooo what a challenge," mr hart sarcastically said.

"dad, will you tell jasper that he can't steal a kid?" henry asked.

"uh, his name is barfield," jasper corrected.

"no, it's not! okay, man? nobody's name is barfield! nobody in this whole galaxy is named 'barf' anything!" henry protested, annoyance growing in his voice.

"okay why don't you fly to spain and tell that to the fine people of barfelona!" jasper shot back.

aurora blinked, "how are you this far into your education?"

jasper rolled his eyes at the girl before motioning the little kid to take a seat on the purple chair. the doorbell rang and mr hart goes over to answer it, "ding dong, ding dong. doesn't anyone knock anymore? everyone's always so worried about their precious knuckles." he opened the door to see two cops standing outside.

"oh," mr hart turned around. "piper, what'd you do?"

piper gave her dad a look.

"uh, can we come in?" one of the officers asked.

"okay," mr hart stepped aside and the officers walked in.

jasper looked at his friends in disbelief, "did one a'you guys call the cops on me?!"

"what? uh..." henry tried playing dumb. "you know, i'm— i'm really not sure."

𝐀𝐋𝐋 𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐀𝐆𝐀𝐈𝐍. ❪ henry hart ❫Where stories live. Discover now