Trick or Treat - Trevor Spengler x Reader

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Trevor had hoped this could be a normal day.

Well, as normal as Halloween could be - he and you would dress up in stupid costumes, go to a stupid Halloween party, and then go for a totally not-stupid drive in the Ectomobile, just the two of you.

That is... before his mother insisted Phoebe come along.

"Oh, my God," Trevor muttered, checking his texts. "My sister's coming with us."

"Awesome," you said, cheerfully, and he glared at you.

"Yeah. So awesome."

You eyed Trevor, skeptically.

"Hold up. When you call Pheobe a loser, and tell her she's a nerd and if they wrote a book about her it'd be called 'Are you there, God? It's me, Dorkaret,' you're just joking, right? 'Cause... I'm really close with my family. So, if all that mean stuff was for real and you didn't have a good relationship with your sister... that'd be a deal breaker for me."

"Duh," Trevor said, quickly, wrapping his arm around you. "Obviously, yeah, I'm... totally joking. It's a good thing you get my comedy, 'cause, if you didn't... that'd be a deal breaker for me. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to text my sis. God, I... love her... so much."


"Trick or treat!" Phoebe boomed, grinning at you as you opened your door to her and an unsmiling Trevor.

Oh, Trevor. Even you had to admit that the eldest Spengler could be... well... a bit miserable. Awkwardly so. He seemed to hate everything.

Well. Almost everything.

"The Spenglers!" you cheered, throwing your arms around him. He kissed you, shyly, and for once, he didn't glare at Phoebe just for being there.

Instead, when the two of you had ended your embrace, he reached for Phoebe, attempting to play the part of the kind, sweet big brother-

And kissed her, sweetly, on the top of her head.

That was the moment Phoebe Spengler knew something was up, but she waited until you were out of earshot to pull him aside.

"All right, Trevor, what is going on?"

"What? Nothing."

"Oh, please!"

"Look, there's nothing going on! The thing is, maybe it's you going into junior high, maybe it's you getting your braces off after four million years... but you're not the same dork you were. So I'm trying to treat you the way you said you always wanted me to treat you. Unless, of course, now you're saying you don'twant me to."

"What? No. No, no, no. If you mean it... that's great. It's like... a dream come true."


"Wow, Phoebe," you grinned, a half-eaten Snickers in your hand. "You're right. Quantum physics actually is super easy to understand. I don't know how I've gone this long without learning it - by the way, Pheebs, very cute hoodie."

Phoebe blushed.

"Oh, thanks! Trevor! Trevor, do you think my hoodie is cute?"

"Yes," Trevor muttered.

"Ooh! I love this song! Come on, Trevor, dance with me!"

"Nobody else is dancing."

"Well, someone's got to start. Who better than a loving brother and sister? You don't mind, do you, Y/N?"

"No," you said, trying not to laugh when you saw your boyfriend's expression, "Go for it."

"I know what you're up to," Trevor hissed, the second you were out of sight.

"Oh, yeah?" Phoebe snapped. "Well, I know what you're up to. So, if I were you, I would start dancing real fast."

"Or what?"

"Or I tell Y/N every mean thing you've ever done to me... how you glued my toothpaste to my hand, how you glued your dirty underwear to my head, every glue story!"

"You can't tell her any of that stuff," Trevor argued. "Bro code!"

"Oh, I am not a bro. I am a "so." I am a sis! I am your worst nightmare is what I am. So you're gonna be nice to me, and you're gonna like it, or I will burn this thing down. So, here's how it's gonna go down. When we go back to your place, you and I are going to cuddle under a blanket on the couch and take a picture of it, like I have been begging you to do since Christmas 2007. I am going to put that picture on a photo blanket and we'll take a picture of that and then we'll keep going until we're cuddling under photo blankets into infinity!"

"You're the devil," Trevor muttered.

"Oh, well, just so you know, she's watching right now."


Finally, Trevor's worst night had almost come to an end.


Soon, he would drop you off at your house, Halloween would be over, and he would finally be back to the world of high school.

A world where there was no reason for you to hang out with his younger sister.

"Oh, Trevor," Phoebe sing-songed, leaning back on the Spenglers' couch, "I need the numbers of everyone I met tonight. That way, I can text them-"

"Fine. Whatever. I need to drop off Y/N-"

"Oh, Trevor!" Phoebe said, tauntingly. "Cuddle picture."

"What?" he asked, horrified.

"Cuddle. Picture. You don't mind taking it, do you, Y/N?"

"No, of course not," you chirped, and Trevor had never been in more pain.

"Ooh!" Phoebe exclaimed, once she had assumed a pose she found suitable, "Now, let's do one where we do bunny ears-"

"Stop it!" Trevor snapped."Aah! That's it! I'm done! Brothers and sisters should not love each other! It's unnatural! We're not supposed to get close till mom and dad start dying!"

"He's a fraud, Y/N!" Phoebe shouted. "He's done a lot of bad things to me with glue. He's been playing you!"

"-Actually, I've been playing him," you announced dramatically, and both Spenglers gasped. "Trev, all that crap about it being super important to me that you get along with your sister... not so much. Trick or treat, sucka."

Trevor gasped.

"You made me kiss my sister's head," he uttered in anguish.

"Yeah. That was awesome. Did not see that coming. Sorry, Phoebe - I didn't mean to make you my pawn."

Phoebe scoffed.

"Are you kidding? It was great! He kissed me on the head and he cuddled me -and I have pictures to prove it."


(Disclaimer: This fic was heavily inspired by an episode of a tv show.)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2021 ⏰

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