The Guardians: Chapter 19

Start from the beginning

"Please let me help you." I begged, but not desperately.



"You've helped me a lot. Remember? When the ball was about to hit my face, when the box was about to fall on my head, when the book was about to fall to my head. And yesterday, when the demons are about to attack me." I reminded him.

"Now it's my turn to help you." I added.

"I don't think you can help me."

And by that, he walked away. I have this disbelief face as I watched him walking away.


I really can't believe this guy.

I was kind enough to even offer to help him?


We're in our dorm right now after having dinner just now. Eunjae is busy reading a book to learn more about her power meanwhile Juri is busy doing her skincare routine. While Yena is combing Juri's hair.

I smiled seeing my friends.

"Haekyung ah.." Eunjae suddenly called me.

"Hm?" I smiled.

"Tell us more about Wonwoo. We've been wondering why you're always with him. So we thought maybe Wonwoo told you something that we don't know?" Eunjae raised an eyebrow, I heaved a sigh after that.

Both Juri and Yena ended up sitting with us.

"If you don't mind, please tell us." Yena hold my hand.

"Wonwoo isn't like what everyone think he is." I told them.


"That girl. It was an accident. He was practicing his power but that girl just barged in to the telekinesis gym and Wonwoo got distracted making him lost his focus and control of power that's why the object fell to that girl." I explained the truth, they got their eyes widened and gasped.

"It was an accident, Wonwoo didn't kill her." I repeated.

"But they said that Wonwoo killed her because she rejected him." Yena tilted her head in puzzlement.

"No, she's the one who've been clinging onto Wonwoo. Wonwoo never have feelings for her." I enunciated clearly and bluntly.

"Yah, which one is the true story? Wonwoo killed her because she rejected him or the one you told us just now? How do we know which one is true?" Juri shook her head and slapped her forehead after that.

"The one I told you girls just now is the true one. Mr. Lim told me everything about that accident." I remarked.

"Rumors are scarier than horror films." Yena shivered.

"I can't believe I was fooled all these time." Eunjae shook her head.

"Poor him, everyone believes that Wonwoo killed her. Everyone sees him as a killer when he is actually innocent. It must've been hard for him since no one is on his side." Juri cooed with her face that shows how much she felt sympathy to Wonwoo.

"But we are on his side now!" Yena exclaimed, the two agreed which made me chuckled. I'm glad to hear that.

I told every single thing that happened between me and Wonwoo to them because they wanted to know every single thing.

"Yah, isn't the part when Wonwoo saved Haekyung from the ball that was coming to her direction the most romantic one?" Juri smirked.

What the?

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