Chapter 1: Minecon Disaster

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??? POV

It was no surprise that Cosmic's mother would be making a fuss over the fact that her child would be spending an entire day with someone they had met over the internet. However, when the two came to Minecon, the woman had given me a complete overview of what she expected of me, what her child was allowed to do, and what we absolutely had to avoid. Some of what she said made me question whether or not she understood what was going on. No photos? Period?

"Um... ma'am? You do realize taking pictures is one of the only things you truly take from an experience, other than the actual memories. How else will you remember what happened?" Cosmic's mother froze, taking in the information. "Look, if it makes you feel better about the situation, I won't upload anything to the internet unless you give me approval. I will also send you the pictures after all of this is over."

She paused for a moment. To be honest, this woman was way more difficult to deal with than Dreamy and FCPrincessX's(aka Fluffy) parents. Those people just had me do a small interview before they permitted me to take their children to Minecon, with the request I protect them with my life. I full-heartedly agreed. After all, I saw them as my own kids. On Cosmic's side of things, it was a miracle that their father was okay with the situation. However, the mother... well, you can see the problem.

"Fine. You can take pictures," the woman relented. "BUT I have to see ALL the pictures you take of Cosmic. If I find out you are withholding any pictures, I will sue you."

"No worries ma'am. The only reason you wouldn't get them is if I forgot to send them." I replied, grateful to finally have that out of the way.

"Oh, and one last thing," the woman said, and I mentally sighed. "Protect my daughter with your life."

"Will do ma'am," I replied. That was another thing. Cosmic was trans and his mother didn't like that fact. Oh well, I'll just call him by his preferred pronouns while his mother is away.

"Alright! Be careful Cosmic, and have fun!" The woman said, hugging her child. I was just glad she cared for him, unlike some other people that I had met over the years...

"Bye mom, "Cosmic mumbled into her shoulder. "Be safe driving home."

"You should be careful as well, alright. Goodbye!"


Cosmic's mother was walking away when I heard a shout from behind.

"Come on, Aura! LET'S GO!"

I turned to see Dreamy motioning for me to follow as Fluffy and Cosmic had a race to the doors. As I ran to catch up, I had an odd feeling in my gut. The one that always informed me when something was about to happen. Whether good or bad, I wasn't about to let it get in the way of my and my friends' day. I just hope it's nothing too serious.

??? POV (not the same person)

"Come on, Willow! We're going to be late!" my best friend shouted, pulling me along. She was excited that one of her favorite Minecraft YouTubers was going to be having a panel at Minecon. It had been a few years since the pandemic had prevented anyone from going to the large event. To top it all off, things were even grander than ever before. You could get your picture with the multiple animatronic mobs dotting the area, jump online and play some games, or meet the creators in person.

"I heard that ꀸꋪꍟꍏꂵ is going to be there!" my friend shouted, pulling me in the direction of the panel.

"Who?" I asked, the name flying straight over my head.

"ꀸꋪꍟꍏꂵ. You know... the one from the ꁕ꒓ꍟꋫꁒ ꌚꁒꉣ?"

    "Huh?" I asked, completely confused. That's when I saw the sign.

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